Hermitcraft UHC IV 05 Brewing Time

Hermitcraft UHC IV 05 Brewing TimeDon’t miss an episode â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKihq1TiRBsVvSlhkcfMOFth Hermitcraft UHC is back an this season we are stepping it up a gear! If you kill someone,…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Sep 21st, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft UHC IV 05 Brewing Time”

  1. Foozmuck's Outertainment! Says:

    why would you make a sword and boots instead of an enchantment table!?

  2. MoneyMonkey Says:

    Xisuma, just for future reference, diamond leggings, boots and helmet all
    protect only half a point more than their iron equivalent, so the best
    thing is to make chestplate, boots, helmet then leggings

  3. Terry Glass Says:

    I wish he would’ve made enchants =(

  4. ShufflingManu Says:

    I can’t believe it Xisuma, why the hell did you not go for enchants?? You
    were really doing well this episode, but since UHC episodes are uploaded so
    rarely, I watch every single episode with a lot of passion and I get really
    disappointed and pissed if the player does something really stupid which
    might take away one or two episodes of him living.
    Look at it, you had 8 diamonds, that makes 2 for a sword, 3 for a pick, 2
    for the table and maybe one for a jukebox or whatever. You had lava right
    there, so that made free obsidian (you even had 3 obsidian on you already
    during the game from a nether fortress chest). You had the diamonds, you
    had 16 levels, that would have given you more than enough levels to get all
    the enchants you needed. You had spare wood and iron to make cheap tools to
    waste a level on if you wouldn’t get the right enchants straight away. The
    only thing you needed were reeds and YOU HAD THEM ALREADY! You made all of
    them into sugar, which made me facepalm so hard, you don’t know. You were
    left with 7 of those 8 pieces of sugar at the end, so that was a waste.
    Even after that you could have easily killed one cow and gotten one sugar
    cane, so that you could have finished the table. Diamond boots are a
    fricking waste, no idea why you all make them all the time, they only give
    you half of an armor piece, which is almost nothing.
    So with all that in mind, you would have had enchanted iron armor with
    maybe Protection 2 on one or two pieces, an enchanted diamond sword,
    enchanted diamond pick and a big load of strength and speed potions. With
    the full regenaration after every kill it is not that hard to take out a
    team of two on your own (if you either kill one really fast or seperate
    them), so that would have made you the game winner INSTANTLY.
    Instead you choose one damn standard diamond sword and useless diamond
    boots, I can’t believe you really did that. It was like someone gave you
    everything you needed to win and you just rejected it and slapped them in
    the face on top of that.

    I’m sorry, you probably see how passionate I am about this series. You are
    experienced, smart, good at making quick decisions and know all the little
    tricks about UHC, that’s why I love watching you play UHC. I am not here to
    hate on you in any way, I love your videos and since you have responded to
    me many many times in the past, you might also recognize me as someone who
    has watched your videos for a long time. So maybe you understand, that it
    just really pisses me off when you make a wrong decisions when you are not
    even really under direct pressure (sure, there’s always some pressure in
    UHC) and that puts you into a situation which might cause an early death
    and with that less episodes. As I said, every UHC episode is worth a lot to
    me, so that hurts.

    Please, can you tell me any good reason why on earth you decided not to go
    for an enchanting table? I just can’t understand it.

  5. Miles Says:

    1:13 upper left corner. :D

  6. Mewcancraft Says:

    Awww sucks that you fell in that ravine while being chased :/. Anyway, you
    did a good UHC :(

  7. ben Benny Says:

    Anyone one else see the other player at 1:37, There top right.

  8. Xx_CR33P3R_xX12 Says:

    Xisuma, lesson learned: Never throw away your obsidian! You could have
    gotten enchants with those two extra diamonds :D

  9. Josh Hill Says:

    why Didnt he make an enchating table with the diamonds! he had enough for a
    sword, pick and table and 1 left over

  10. austin30233 Says:

    Is there any rules against Health or Regen potions in UHC?

  11. Evtim Voinov Says:


  12. James Walhain Says:

    Will you ever do facecam?

  13. XcJaden Says:

    nooooo you shouldve done an enchantment table

  14. Joseph Martin Says:

    Literally yelling at my screen: “WHY DIDNT YOU MAKE AN ENCHANTING TABLE

  15. Sword Slash Says:

    For all you idiots, he. DIDNT. HAVE. LAPIS. TO. ENCHANT.

  16. Z Geez Says:

    Why didnt you make an enchant table :/ you could have gone up to get
    sugercane and leather

  17. Brandon Lund Says:

    I can’t believe Xisuma didn’t make an enchantment table! D:

  18. Galbraith Ryan Says:


  19. xisumavoid Says:

    UHC IV Episode 5 Is live! Enjoy :-)

  20. Slatos Says:

    Did he actually not see those players right at the start?

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