Hermitcraft Modsauce 12 Food Farming

Hermitcraft Modsauce 12 Food FarmingModsauce Modpack â-» http://www.hermitcraft.com/modsauce Modsauce Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKgqsVhaa_kWjXOmoffaZEn5 This episode of modsauce we invest in…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Sep 13th, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft Modsauce 12 Food Farming”

  1. Marmosetman Says:

    Xisuma, there are some trees over by sl1ps base, that use 4 saplings and
    are WAY taller. If you head over to sl1ps base and look around the island,
    you’ll spot them straight away :)

  2. ky eltis Says:

    7:25 isn’t there the MASSIVE 7X7 redwood tree?

  3. Tyler Michael Says:

    Xisuma, when using a quarry you should use a Deep Storage Unit for blocks
    that are in abundance. Great video dude. (:

  4. KingDaddyDMAC Says:

    +xisumavoid great idea with the farms !!! I knew you would like project
    red :)

  5. Chris O Says:

    X its pronouced aw taw naw mus activator :) sorry it just nagged at my
    mind and i had to say something

  6. MineIT Says:

    Hey Mr.X, i have a question: what do you usually do exactly after
    publishing a video?

  7. Aniket Basak Says:

    When is your new merchandise gonna come out

  8. Bashful Brit | Gaming | Minecraft Says:

    If you do a quarry in the future you should consider making deep storage
    unit for the cobble, they’re relatively cheap and can hold about 4B items

    Also check out MineFactory Reloaded Planter and Harvester, they do wonders
    for automated tree farms and pretty much power themselves! :) Loving
    ModSauce too thank you guys for the pack! ^_^

  9. Two Piggies Says:

    Xisuma I thought you were going to die on camera by accident while showing
    us how you died off camera. 

  10. PitchSkullBlack Says:

    Xisuma Idk if this is in the pack but there is red wood saplings, if you
    plant these in a 7×7 square they make a huge tree(s, like 100 blocks tall).
    They take along time to grow though.

  11. orionnijman Says:

    XISUMA!!!! Use a Sacred Oak tree for the charcoal farm!! it is the biggest
    tree in the game!! PLEASE LIKE THIS SOOOO HE SEES THIS!!!! :D

  12. Arthur Graton Says:

    you could also have set the item output of the vacuum hopper back into the

  13. alfie cat Says:


  14. Alex Johnson Says:

    This is why I love xisumas mod sauce dmac and the others just fly ahead so
    I hate to watch their vids xisuma however takes its paced so I can learn
    the mods along with hime

  15. iggy nieuwenhuizen Says:

    dislike i didn’t like the intro :( stop it

  16. Josh Hill Says:

    why dont you get into advanced genetics xisuma, its just your thing ;-)

  17. Yolo CrafterRO Says:

    You can try the mega rubber sapling,thery are 3 times bigger than a Jungle

  18. xisumavoid Says:

    Modsauce time! The quarrying is over :-)

  19. BloodGaming Says:

    I love watching noobs play modded :P Its awesome!

  20. SolnaBarn 17170 Says:

    from the amethyst you can make the best armor in the game

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