Hermitcraft III 351 Three Fitfty One

Hermitcraft III 351 Three Fitfty OneHermitcraft III Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKj1ks9-Q941E_LVUKEFermz Today we talk over whats been going on during the week and do some tidying up.

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 5th, 2015

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft III 351 Three Fitfty One”

  1. GamingMinionMC Says:

    10 wither skulls + 9 wither skulls = 21 wither skulls


  2. xisumavoid Says:
  3. MoinBayern Says:

    Please do a farming history class! Cause I’m not around in minecraft for
    too long, but I’d really like to know how it all started… Keep up the
    good work in the next 3 fitfty episodes and even further than that…

  4. Andrew Girardi Says:

    The episode 350 reminded me of how Zisteau does his videos with all the
    editing. Once again great job. Love your videos.

  5. Bob Robertson Says:

    I need about three fifty.

  6. Thomas Haass Says:

    I have a request for a tutorial. That train station that you built on the
    last server for the hermit underground. The way you built it was perfect
    for a stop and go station, please do a tutorial on that one

  7. Ali Asgarian Says:

    Hey x, a great idea for a mini game could be that a bunch of guys go in a
    room and anvils fall with a random timing and u need to dodge them, last
    man alive wins

  8. laggy Lego Says:

    impulses head is looking away because of how you placed the armor stand,
    not the head

  9. xisumavoid Says:

    Hermitcraft Livestream video available on my second channel
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4RzH9W0Wy0 :-) Subscribe if you want more
    livestream videos!

  10. mitchellcrazyeye Says:

    Hey Xisuma, were you ever thinking of doing a Q&A? I have some questions…

  11. Aiden Williams Says:

    Could you please play on some game /prison servers. Keep it up from wales!!

  12. Animiles Says:

    I would love to see an “evolutions of Minecraft” series.
    Evolution of Breeding,
    Evolution of Biomes,
    Evolution of Hostile mobs,
    Evolution of Passive mobs,
    Evolution of farming,
    Evolution of food,
    Evolution of Redstone,
    Evolution of Generated structures,
    Evolution of Building,
    Evolution of Tools,
    Evolution of PvP,
    Evolution of GUI, HUD or whatever all of that stuff is called xD,
    Evolution of Physics,
    And there are many more things that could be a good topic.

    Xisuma, what do you think of this? I love the idea of ‘Evolution of Animal
    breeding’, and if you get positive feedback on it you could take my idea
    and make it into the ‘Evolution of Minecraft’ series :D

  13. sZPeddy Says:

    You could set up a “beacon control panel” to choose from 4 different
    effects and the 4 +II (or regen) effects. I always liked to build that when
    I had 4 beacons arranged like you have. In my design there are also buttons
    to turn all effects on or off with one button so you have a nice row of 10
    Buttons to change things.

  14. iZacGaming Says:


  15. Tyson Blanchard Says:

    Wait, 351. 3+5=8. 8-1=7. How many Withers can he fight? 7. Oh, mer gurd.
    Let’s go deeper. How many heads does it take for a Wither to be a Wither?
    That’s right, 3 heads. What shape has three sides? That’s right, the letter
    N. How many Ns are in the word illuminati? Only 1. The illuminati has only
    one eye. Wither 351 illuminati confirmed.

  16. Hector K - L Says:

    The animal farms didn’t evolve. They were created.

  17. ZaX XoN Says:

    Love what you are doing. You and False Symmetry should be a *** Thing ***
    and you should be going to minecon 2015.

  18. NinjaBroccoli Says:

    I have an idea for a game in Hermit Thrills. Maybe you could incorporate
    falling anvils into a Human Tetris scenario? One guy has to control the
    fall of anvils and the rest have to survive until the time runs out or
    maybe even until the Anvils stack up enough for the the players to jump up
    and kill the controller. This would give the controller a lot of time to
    try to kill the players and it would also prolong the game.

  19. MaxSeinsei Says:

    Shorter and talky episodes from time to time are good :)
    And yeah, a recap of all the farms could be nice ^^

  20. Jello Mutt Says:

    *every single time* someone says “Jello Spleef” I catch myself saying
    “Yes?” to the “jello” until I realize no one is actually talking to me :’D

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