Hermitcraft III 345 Nether Again We Said

Hermitcraft III 345 Nether Again We SaidHermitcraft III Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKj1ks9-Q941E_LVUKEFermz With the server updated to 1.8.3 we head into the nether to clear up the mess, install…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Mar 19th, 2015

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft III 345 Nether Again We Said”

  1. TheKokoed Says:

    Ok, after all this time, I thought Xisumavoid was australian….. I’m
    confused, is he Australian or British?!?

  2. ZloYxp.Avi Says:

    A riddle: How many hermits does it take to catch a Ghast? Apparently, the
    answer is MORE

  3. xisumavoid Says:
  4. VinylPlayMinecraft Says:

    when they talked about tea, i stopped the video and made some tea, when i
    came back i had a cup of tea and watched the rest of the video xD like if
    you also did it xD

  5. BdoPlays Says:

    Haha! I am so glad Hermitcraft isnt resetting anytime soon. I look forward
    to seeing it improve.

    I am also glad Hermitcraft isnt dying like Mindcrack is.

  6. eenofonn Says:

    season 3 over already hahah …. you haven’t even got 100 beacons yet ;)

  7. Robert Larsson Says:

    That villager is probably from when Doc collected villagers!

  8. Jacky Chan Says:

    you can ask +impulseSV for help, he had made a ghast farm in his video

  9. Azeyzel Says:

    I never fully wrapped my head around that Tea = Dinner concept. When I met
    an English girl once, while traveling abroad she told me and I was euqally
    confused as she was right after realizing, that English music is indeed not
    being dubbed for foreign radio stations.
    Wierd world, we’re living in…

  10. Stern Ritter Says:

    Xisuma, the way you can catch ghast is by making pipe where he can fit, i
    think its about 6×6 or something. Once you put him inside that pipe you can
    make someone else close the entrance. Than you can just spam minecarts and
    you most certainly get him that way.

  11. Douglas Birley Says:

    you can make a ghost farm and then you can both farm ghast tears and have
    all the ghasts you want

  12. Sl1pg8r - Minecraft, Mods, and MOAR! Says:

    Nether say Nether. ;) 

  13. Kevin Collins Says:

    will horses get beacon effects as well? because a horse with speed 2 would
    be great for nether travel.

  14. Felix Jones Says:

    Xisuma when you place half slabs the server will test a full block height
    for placement, whereas the client will test the bounding box of the half
    slab, so when the server sees your feet sticking into the full block it
    thinks you are making an illegal block placement and cancels it.

  15. Blaze Darksoul Says:

    Myth Busting: Can beacon beams travel through bedrock now? Or is that just
    in the Nether?

  16. Sander Kamp Says:

    What is actually the difference between a UI and a GUI? Would a GUI just be
    the main menu and Escape menu? And the rest normal UIs?

  17. enriceaux Says:

    Why don’t you just put the beacons on top of the bedrock?

  18. Kenneth Morrison Says:

    Have you forgot that ghasts spawn at the wither skull farm?
    Why don’t you go there after you’ve had your Tea around this time?
    What are you having for Tea, X? Care to share? After all, were both

  19. xisumavoid Says:

    Streaming Cities: Skylines over on twitch.tv/xisuma

  20. orionnijman Says:

    SO… do you think a beacon ray goes through bedrock in the overworld too?
    Might be something for minimithbusting! And maybe try
    the same height in the kverworld as in the natural bedrock in the nether
    sealing. :D

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