Hermitcraft III 331 Gifts And Gab

Hermitcraft III 331 Gifts And GabHermitcraft III Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKj1ks9-Q941E_LVUKEFermz This episode we drop off some gifts for the Hermits and talk about various things happening.

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Feb 13th, 2015

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft III 331 Gifts And Gab”

  1. Lenny Andre Says:

    Honestly I like the look of the lilly drop ‘building’ ..It looks like a
    Minecraft game.

  2. Ricky Fisher Says:

    It has been my life goal to find out how many deadbushes you’ve collected
    in minecraft

  3. Bill Bob Joy Says:

    You should not feel bad about building things in creative first, it’s
    called the engineering design process. You work on a design, test it, and
    optimize it. It’s a proven method that saves time and mistakes, thinks of
    creative mode as a testing simulation software.

  4. Samuel Kyletoft Says:

    Why aren’t there any comments?
    Not even from X…

  5. Alex Shady Says:

    13:19 “Plz don’t record”…xisuma is living the thug life tho

  6. dutchpyro13 Says:

    It was Xmas today on the hermitcraft server. Get it X(isuma)mas.

  7. RPGgrenade Says:

    maybe the “used carrots” are the ones you’ve planted? like for the villager
    auto farm?

  8. HexahedronHead Says:

    Haha! I watched xB’s POV of you being shot by Biffa. You seemed pretty
    annoyed, but I guess not! It’s pretty cool how calm you wee about getting
    shot of a beam 100 blocks in the sky! It’s hilarious when things like that
    happen! Especially when you get to see multiple POVs! Great vid!

  9. RDS Alphard Says:

    I was thinking your Lily Drop can be a giant C , due to how everything is
    shape … few days ago when I was looking for Minecraft skyscraper design ,
    I found a huge C (literally is C) building shape , and it was quite big ,
    the side of the C are done with glass block while the curve of the C was
    solid block & like 15 block wide ?

    But then it’s only my opinion on that though .

  10. xisumavoid Says:

    You might find something of interest in the description box ;-)

  11. Geraint White Says:

    Couldn’t you also use the protection 1 chestplate to repair your good one?
    That would save you buying two from the villager.

  12. bg6b7bft Says:

    The thing about the Wither statue popping to life when the area reloads
    might make for a good mythbuster quickie.

    It looks like they were hanging their heads in shame after killing you ;)

  13. EstelienMayalinn Says:

    This was such an nice, happy and relaxed episode. I was happy to hear you
    laugh when Biffa shot you. When I watched that episode on his channel (and
    again on Zueljin and XB’s channels) I wondered why you didn’t say anything
    in chat. Anyways, nice tour & nice video as always :)

  14. Jonas Vdolek Says:


  15. VigomGaming Says:

    I like the thumbnail so much! That pentagram thing is so epic!
    I also wonder if you ever played The Binding of Isaac? It’s a quite nice
    free game – Also quite record friendly. :)

  16. Muriako Says:

    The first idea that came to mind for Lily Drop would be to make it look
    like a giant tree and give the whole thing a nature theme. Unfortunately
    trees are obnoxiously hard to build at that scale but I suppose you could
    model it after the default jungle trees or something and have a few
    branches with just discs of leaves like they do.

  17. toon man Says:

    Uh xisuma, you realize in the lucky break game, you weren’t supposed to
    record. I watched hypno to find that out…. 

  18. Sl1pg8r - Minecraft, Mods, and MOAR! Says:

    Thanks for the gift X! :) 

  19. Jacob Brawl Says:

    xisuma hey there is a guy that i would really like to come to hermit craft.
    his name on youtube is GoodTimesWithScar, and he has 159,000 subscribers.
    he has a disease and he has a wheel chair but he is great at minecraft and
    is amazing at building so please letting him join will make my year :)

  20. Zaphod Trillian Says:

    Really enjoyed the relaxed subject and pace of this episode. Nice to sit
    back sometimes and get a chance to see things in the world through
    different eyes.

    Just found the thing of interest in the description box!

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