Hermitcraft III 328 Lily Drop With Friends

Hermitcraft III 328 Lily Drop With FriendsHermitcraft III Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKj1ks9-Q941E_LVUKEFermz Lets play lily drop with some of the other Hermits :-) â–‹ Hermitcraft Reddit http://www.reddi…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Feb 6th, 2015

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft III 328 Lily Drop With Friends”

  1. thepackett . Says:

    The high score should be based on how far you got, rather than how soon the
    game ends. So if the score is the number of lilypads, then the higher score
    is better. It would make more sense because the game gets more difficult
    the longer you go.

  2. Christopher Sola Says:

    A great video.. It does demonstrate however that perhaps you need to
    install one or two extra elevators into the tower so that folk can get back
    to the top speedily… or maybe that would just be too much of a bother.
    It’s a pity only one person can ride the elevator at any one time, perhaps
    you could think of a design that would allow others to use the lift whilst
    another is still on their way up, I don’t think I have ever seen a
    multi-person elevator in minecraft… could be a good future project to
    work on!

  3. Darkion Says:

    Xisuma, you should make another elevator and this time, please don’t mess
    up the design.

  4. SlimesWithBowties Says:

    A cool variation of thos game would be where two people go at the same time
    and attempt to kill each other by placing a Lilypad under the opponents’

  5. valdir bruxel junior Says:

    +xisumavoid you might consider creating a permanent dressing room & bed
    area where those who die can place & pick their stuff before they play your
    maybe create a different building next to the helipad, which could be used
    by other deadly games :)

  6. KingDaddyDMAC Says:

    Lol, these guys :p

  7. Vince W Says:

    the end of the video is priceless!

  8. Weasel Level Design Says:

    That was awesome <3

  9. That Redstoner Says:

    The nether portal that brings you to Hermit Thrills™ should be in the
    chopper. It would make it seem like it has a purpose for it being there
    other than hearing slip go *Tchtch flapfalpflap*

  10. John David Gray Says:

    You should make an observation platform half-way up

  11. bas248331 Says:

    +xisumavoid Maybe it would be better it ”Lily Drop” Would have 2 or 3
    No idea if that would be possible but you could try right? Have fun :D 

  12. Topazrose682013 Says:

    If I am correct, I believe the movie you were looking for was Billy

  13. Will Moffit Says:

    +xisumavoid the movie is Billy Madison, staring Adam Sandler

  14. Ether Arch Says:

    When you redesign, consider a pressure plate and an upward facing dropper
    to dispense lillypads between the elevator. It’ll speed up the flow to not
    walk to the opposite side. :)

  15. Ken DaCrafter Says:

    bring it, Bring it, Briiiingg iiittt

  16. xisumavoid Says:
  17. brenden do Says:

    Guys I have a important question, I have about $500 and I was wonder what
    should I invest it in. I have a decent computer that runs 80fps with fast
    graphics and 10 render distance. Should I build a new comp or buy things
    like dual monitor and a better mic. please help me decide. Thanks so much

  18. James Smithers Says:

    20:49 I don’t know what the movie is called but its definately an adam
    sandler movie!

  19. Sl1pg8r - Minecraft, Mods, and MOAR! Says:

    Loved playin Lily Drop with ya X! :)

  20. AFK CREATOR Says:

    +xisumavoid Why don’t you have a strong accent like false and the other

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