Hermitcraft III 323 SKULLSTORM

Hermitcraft III 323 SKULLSTORMHermitcraft III Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKj1ks9-Q941E_LVUKEFermz With the farm almost ready to go we must hunt down some w…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Feb 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft III 323 SKULLSTORM”

  1. Ging3rGeneral Says:

    Hey Xisuma, long-time viewer here. Lately, I haven’t been able to keep up
    with your videos as much as I would have hoped to, but I was able to catch
    this one and even though it’s been a while, I just wanted to say it seems
    you are just as enthusiastic and passionate as ever for the game and I love
    to see it! It’s great to see a youtuber with such love for the game and his
    viewers as you do. Just wanted to say thanks and keep up the hard work!

  2. ProfDragonVale Says:

    Skullstorm, cool, like Guardfall, but you’re not reseting the map yet

  3. xisumavoid Says:

    What do you think of the name Skullstorm?

  4. Andrew A Says:

    Is it possible to make your clear glass so it works with OptiFine connected

  5. Sam Borgman Says:

    Man that build is nuts! Its a wonder that Ghasts haven’t been shooting at
    it constantly. I can’t even bridge over lava safely because of those

  6. Otto Rosenberg Says:

    I love those corrections you do on screen. So many youtubers talk
    nonsensical things and then there are a hundred comments correcting them so
    I feel like your method is much more viewer friendly :)

  7. QyXy Says:

    X you should only get rid of the pillars that are needed and maybe make the
    others look sort of destroyed/abandoned. I think it’d be cool to have
    things to pass under on your way, it adds more atmosphere.
    (*I’m bad at explaining things xD*)

  8. HackerNinjaKittie 299 Says:

    Like If you are under 301

  9. LILbigBobby Says:

    Xisuma, You forgot to hit the Score Lock button when you first started so
    24 wasn’t your real score!

  10. CrystalGamingHD | Gaming, Redstone, and More! Says:

    Any good resource packs anyone? I need good armor (No faithfull) Looking
    for some midevil-type armour. I am thinking of using the john smith Armour
    so… tell me if that’s a good decision 

  11. Bku Jhko Says:

    you cheated around 17:50, you are suposed to bounce of the slime and land
    on the trap!

  12. Tango Tek Says:

    Hah, you found a completely new, unintended way of getting to the top.
    I’ll have to show you the intended way sometime soon (and fix the cheaty
    way you took!)

  13. runenodragon Says:

    Hey Microsoft. Do us all a fave and take this design for a fortress and
    implement as a world generation for everyone who starts a new world.

    – Love Everyone

  14. MaxSeinsei Says:

    SkullStorm? Ehh… Is it me or did people vote for it juste because there
    is “storm” in it?
    I mean, come on, there is so much better than that…
    To me, SkullStorm doesn’t really represent what this farm is, CrownFall
    sounded way better imo.

  15. KingDaddyDMAC Says:

    Very nice words about spum. He’ll be missed. Love watchin ya just derp
    around and have fun. keep it up X :)

  16. FalseSymmetry Says:

    Laughed so much when you nearly shot the dog with the bow.
    I prefer Crown Fall aswell tbh.. but maybe that’s just me. Looks amazing so
    far! :)

  17. Daniel Dunn Says:

    Your scores are all wrong… The lock prohibits the iron from going back
    into the system, unless tango has fixed it since his last video. What is
    happening is iron goes in and gets sucked back out showing a wrong count.
    The instructions say to hit the lock first then the slime block launch
    lever. No wonder they were so muxh lower then impulses’.

  18. RetroTronic Says:

    2:59 Mojang should make the fire like that and also do something with the
    particles from buffs. Maybe particles could be on the sides of the screen
    instead of in yo face and make the curly Q’s smaller maybe

  19. jalmaanofthegames Says:

    Xarude – Skullstorm

  20. dreadpiratebug Says:

    Skullstorm sounds like a roller coaster to me. Not sure if that’s a good
    thing or a bad thing. You’re tutorials are what brought me to your channel.
    Then from your channel I began checking out all the other Hermits.
    Definitely glad I did. I enjoy watching all of you.

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