Hermitcraft III 313 What Its All About

Hermitcraft III 313 What Its All AboutHermitcraft III Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKj1ks9-Q941E_LVUKEFermz This episode we have a blast finishing up the farm and having fun in the process. Amazing…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Dec 21st, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft III 313 What Its All About”

  1. Alice Faye Says:

    Xisuma, you’re truly an inspiration to not only myself, but to many others
    I’m sure of. You are such a genuine person, a humble and intelligent
    guy/computer/robot ; Which is incredibly rare nowadays to find. Your words
    (although sometimes silly and unintelligible) have a significant impact on
    my life. Your genuine and humble attitude on life have positive effects on
    people. You’re right, the little moments in life make it all worth while.
    It’s not about how many subscribers you have, it’s the fact that you’ve
    touched lives. A true inspiration. You’re a role model to me.

    You’ve accomplished so much just by making YouTube videos. I just wanted to
    say Thank You wholeheartedly for your time, effort and dedication to
    YouTube and your subscribers. Keep up the amazing work you do. :) 

  2. ih8t2lose3 Says:

    There is a grammatical typo in the title.

  3. Seb Says:

    Xisuma do you watch anime? 

  4. Hector Manuel Elias Oliver Says:

    Xisuma, this was an amazing project.
    I must say, I felt like tearing up when you talked about the fanart. You’re
    an amazing person

  5. Golfhaus Says:

    Glad to see you got the farm working +xisumavoid – that slime block
    launcher is a BEAST. When you get to work on the collection area, maybe
    consider an item filter that automatically sorts the potatoes into furnaces
    to get cooked up, since no one is going to have much use for raw taters. :D

  6. xisumavoid Says:
  7. AquaGearDGF Says:

    “All of those 300,000, are made up of 1’s” That quote actually made me stop
    the video and just think. that’s probably of of the greatest things i have
    heard in a long time.

  8. EVILBUNNY28 Says:

    Personally, I would of chose minecraft chests to make the items fly through
    the air. Since they render at a further distance. Then I would make them
    land on a track which goes to its destination. Then I would send all the
    minecarts back underground to the top. Or maybe launch them back up, idk.
    It would also help with lag issues that may occur with just the items
    themselves. But I don’t think that is an issue.

  9. TwoBrokeGamers Says:

    Everybody in the 313 put your Minecraft playing hands up and follow me!

    Your awesome if you get it!

  10. NanoRex Says:

    My favourite part about Xisuma is that he notices when he makes a word derp
    like five seconds after he makes it :P

  11. samramdebest Says:

    place a button in the center of hermit hills and a sign instructing people
    to press the button and stand on a specific block.
    When they press the button a redstone signal goes into the distance to a
    similar item launcher launching the potatoes and carrots directly to block
    in front of them

  12. Hannah Zaveson Says:

    I know I haven’t been here from the start but i knew when I watched the
    first episode of this series I was gunna love this channel and your ideas.
    I really hope you always have that motivation from your viewers and by
    yourself because this series is the only series where I actually watched
    every video. Usually I just skip and go from the recently uploaded video
    but I felt I’d miss out on such cool things you’ve made. You really are a
    creative and amazing guy xisuma, Keep up the great work man! :D

  13. NamesEvad Says:

    Heres an idea!

    Make an auto smelter for the potatoes. But give it multiple settings.
    for example: Lava. Automatically or on the push of a button it fills up a
    chest(which filters into a furnace) with exactly the right amount of
    potatoes for one bucket of lava (lava is filtered in permanently from a
    chest behind). This would mean that no smelting time/lava is ever wasted
    and there would be a high supply of baked potatoes!

    I personally hate wasting cooking materials and it could be fun to make :)

  14. Douglas Birley Says:

    im not hating but I think that its funny that you make crazy farms like
    guardfall without a tutorial or anything, just from your brain but yet you
    find one of the simplest farms ever give you real problems. Typical Xisuma

  15. Tango Tek Says:

    I saw this last night when I was on, but I had no idea how you were getting
    the items there. This is just awesome!

  16. holt1415 Says:

    Is there some music that you have made you could share with us?

  17. Sl1pg8r - Minecraft, Mods, and MOAR! Says:

    I remember hearing that villagers could harvest crops and this is the first
    time I’ve seen a farm built around this concept. So kewl X! 

  18. Bob Roberts Says:

    You have nice voice.

  19. Christopher Peacock Says:

    Leave it to Xisuma to create a food cannon for hermitcraft! I really hope
    you can do a bullseye target out of carpet on a nice round “Squircle” (as
    sl1p calls it) of hoppers.

  20. PAR Rolader Says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you put in on this
    server, and on you tube in general! On one of your videos saw that you had
    been on this server for over 10 days! Please like this so Xisuma can see
    how much we really do enjoy his content. I speak on everyone’s behalf! <3

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