Hermitcraft III 302 Inside The Slime

Hermitcraft III 302 Inside The SlimeHermitcraft III Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKj1ks9-Q941E_LVUKEFermz With an idea in mind we head over to the slime farm and try out a new farming idea. Erang…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Nov 28th, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft III 302 Inside The Slime”

  1. Keyan North Says:

    I like your idea for a paid channel! But, how much would it be?

  2. Cpt_Invincible Says:

    So the second channel is a paid adblock?

  3. The Twelfth Doctor Says:

    No offence xsuima but I don’t like your pay youtube channel because your
    main fanbase is 8-13 year olds (im 15) and they might get the wrong idea
    and steal their moms/dads credit card to buy it and it’s charging little
    kids to buy somthing which you can get for free adblocker (I personally
    don’t use it because it’s stealing money which youtubers make and I don’t
    think it should be allowed) I am just saying not hating on you xsuima been
    a sub since you started hermitcraft I’m just giving you a heads up
    mate(comments please don’t hate on me for having a opinion I know I’m
    asking alot from you but if you have nothing nice to say please don’t
    comment, all rude comments shall be removed).

  4. pipman10234 Says:

    you should create a sub server aswell!

  5. Tommy Henriksson Says:

    Xisuma its a nice idea, but theres something called adblocker…. Soooo i
    feel like if i subscribed to your paid channel i would just donate money,
    wich i would do if i could and had the extra money for.

  6. Masre Super Says:

    If you recorded the time lapse in 30fps and made it about twice as fast (at
    least that is what it looked like for me) in the video it would still be

  7. ENDO PVP Says:


  8. damien Says:

    AdBlocker for the win! Sorry xisuma, You deserve the money but i’d rather
    spend my money on usefull things :]

  9. Matsie36 Says:

    If you’d forge a lot of books together, and then on a pickaxe, would the
    pickaxe be expensive to repair?

  10. Daan Janssen Says:

    Dmac already has a slime farm

  11. Reginald Noble Says:

    X, you should hire in Etho for a guest episode where he does some
    lagbusting, he is great at it and it would serve you both in a way of
    sharing subscribers :) and would be a quite entertaining and educating
    episode <3 Reggie

  12. MinecraftManiac365 Says:

    Just get adblock :P

  13. Animiles Says:

    Xisuma, do you get paid by the amount of people who watch the ads, or by
    the amount of people who click on the ads?
    I run adblock because I have playlists on youtube, and the 10 minute ads
    are super annoying while listening to music. But can I disable it for
    certain channels?

  14. AHeckman2 Says:

    I think the second channel idea is great! But what about the people (like
    myself) who use Adblock to block all of the ads anyway? Will they get
    anything in return?

  15. Ethan Craft Says:

    +xisumavoid What if people just use ad blocker

  16. samramdebest Says:

    wait youtube allows you to toggle the ads based on the fact that you are
    subscribed to another channel?

  17. ThatSaneGuy Says:

    with mumbo’s chicken farm it was probely where it left fevers laying on the
    ground from the dispencer that was causing the lag
    plz don’t correct m spelling

  18. darcipeeps22 Says:

    You down-to-earth Brit, you xD

  19. Sl1pg8r - Minecraft, Mods, and MOAR! Says:

    Dude! Ty for the lag fixin! YOU ROCK! 

  20. xisumavoid Says:

    Posted a Music Blog on the album the timelapse song is on! Check it out if
    you fancy a quick read :-)

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