Hermitcraft III 298 Quadruple Epicsode!

Hermitcraft III 298 Quadruple Epicsode!Hermitcraft III Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKj1ks9-Q941E_LVUKEFermz With time to spare i put a ton of work into our quad slimechunk farm and reap the rewards,…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Nov 19th, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft III 298 Quadruple Epicsode!”

  1. Popo staker Says:

    My dream is that Xisuma responds to one of my comments.

  2. Dave Metzener Says:

    Keralis may be attempting to be cute when he pronounces Acacia the way he
    does, but it still drives me nuts when I hear the word Acacia pronounced
    a-cha-cha. Check out Dictionary.com (
    http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/acacia) for a recorded pronunciation
    of the word. Wikipedia also has a great pronunciation guide for the word.

  3. Dany Turcitu Says:


  4. Nicowitsz Says:

    Man X! Again it happened! I was about to record another video, and got my
    plans ready. And know you upload my project! xD I heard in the last episode
    about you wanted to find a quad one, so wanted i for my episode. And just
    when im half way trough you upload basicly what im gonna upload tommorow

  5. xisumavoid Says:
  6. Rodri Nicolau Says:

    Sorry for bothering again with this but, could someone pass me the
    Xisumavoid AFK XP farm? I’m new to this and i struggle to get 30 levels…

  7. Freerk Panda Arntz Says:

    8.568? my guess xD

  8. Stijn Broekhuis Says:

    Xisuma rename the chest! so it shows up in the corner what it is. extra

  9. Ellak MC Says:

    try to use a diamond not a pickaxe

  10. QuirkySquid Says:

    So lets guesstimate how many blocks he mined before he tells us…
    So he made 9 layers so far, each layer is 3 blocks high, so each layer
    contains (32 squared * 3), or 3072 blocks. Multiplying that by eight gives
    us 27648 blocks. Now we add the perimeter. The perimeter is 4 blocks wide,
    so the length of it is 4(4*36) which is 576, and there are 33 (8 layers
    mined out * 4 blocks per layer + 1 extra layer) layers in the perimeter,
    which is 19008 blocks. 19008 + 27648 = 46656 blocks! Lets see how close I
    am… **watches video** 41280 is the actual number! Only 5376 off, which is
    the equivalent of about 1 diamond pick with unbreaking 2.

    NEXT QUESTION! How many diamond picks did he use? Well an unenchanted
    diamond pick has 1562 uses, and the average lifetime of a pick with
    unbreaking is 1562(Level of Unbreaking + 1) uses long. So the amount of
    blocks he mined was 41280, so we divide that by 1562 to see how many levels
    of unbreaking you would need to mine it with one pick. That equates to a
    diamond pick with Unbreaking XXVI, or 26. How does that help us? Well, we
    just divide 26 by 4, which is how many times more a diamond pick with
    unbreaking 3 will last. That is about 7, so you would need 7 diamond
    pickaxes with unbreaking 3 to mine it out! So lets check it to see if it is
    right: 7(1562(3 + 1)) = 43736, and 43736 – 41280 = 2456, so you would have
    somewhere around 2456 uses on your last pick. Again, this is all an
    estimate. The more you know!

  11. Dannyday Says:

    Do you have any idea of how to start a youtube channel? (like what do i
    need to record audio/screen and stuff?)

  12. elay barlev Says:

    “kill baby slime with a diamond” #justxisumathing

  13. LightbulbTedbear2 Says:

    I like the new repairing system. It’s more realistic and gives me a chance
    to actually do some enchanting rather than just infinite repairing. And
    also it’s fairly likely you’ll get at least 3 diamonds back from your pick
    if you go mining, so you shouldn’t ever run out.

  14. IkRONICS902 V1 Says:

    check your spellings for the title great vid tho

  15. Bart Van Wunsel Says:

    If I were to build this (in a smaller scale obviously) in a swamp, would I
    get similar spawnrates, or is a swamp not considered a slime chunk? I
    haven’t found any in the swamp I’ve been in yet though.

  16. Simon Engelholm Says:

    The small slimes looks kind of cute, if I could I would have a slime pet in
    my world (and I mean not to give it a nametag and lock it behind glass).

  17. Masre Super Says:

    A new epicsode! Awsum!

  18. ThePCgamer Says:

    Denne gang vover vi os ud i noget minigames

  19. Cacteez Says:

    Xisuma, if you put looting 3 on a stick and kill a mob, will the looting
    effect work?

  20. Mewcancraft Says:

    Xisuma! You are saying “achacha” again! It’s a-ca-cia. Repeat after me:
    A-CA-CIA. I’m so annoyed by that achacha. Argh!

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