Hermitcraft II Livestream Part 2

Hermitcraft II Livestream Part 2This is the first livestream from Saturday when we launched the new Hermitcraft II map. After this i took a short break and started the second stream. Lookin…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Jun 13th, 2013

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft II Livestream Part 2”

  1. zzwizardz Says:

    I think that they should decrease the rate of zombie spawning because its ridiculous to be swarmed by 5+ zombies. With both the social aspect and the call-for-help spawns, I’ve fought groups of 15+ and it was horrible. Ahhhhhh…

  2. Twostrike LeeT Says:

    Hey I’m a boy that does Let*s Play and Tutorials and If u want go and subcribe to my channel i would be very happy. And if u subcribe u maybe also can join my survival server!

  3. MadGamer296 Says:

    anvil lol

  4. Matthew Swain Says:

    Mindcrack because if I’m not mistaken he quit Hermitcraft, right?

  5. Laggerd Kolderup Says:


  6. Ryan Corbeyy Says:

    He reminds me of that alligator hunter dude

  7. yoshiifk Says:

    It was so much more interesting when you were in a chat on your own. And then joe came in and started micromanaging.

  8. zzwizardz Says:

    He said that the livestreams were not part of the series and that they were just extras, so be glad you get ~4 hours of Xisuma from the livestream footage :P

  9. b1nny1o1 Says:

    BTW I got the Beatles reference straight away

  10. Oskar s Says:

    I can’t see anything when you are in dark places. Could you change the brightness on your recorder?

  11. L Godsey Says:

    Xisuma, if you haven’t replied yet, please do so! Henry Smith is right — I bet for him to get a message from you would be pretty great!

  12. DuckPost Says:

    The Seed*

  13. Music42Ever Says:

    he can spectate =P

  14. MadGamer296 Says:

    you found the strong hold xisuma remmeber silver fish

  15. DuckPost Says:

    The Seef For This World Is -6804765309294671425 You Need To Be In Snapshot 13w23a To Make It.

  16. Thebeastypie167 Says:

    I got your Beatles reference! :D

  17. Renahin Says:

    where would GennyB go?

  18. opulentcargo25 Says:

    he started hermitcraft but he is more active with mindcrack. i think he would be with mindcrack

  19. Twostrike LeeT Says:

    Hey I’m a boy that does Let*s Play and Tutorials and If u want go and subcribe to my channel i would be very happy. And if u subcribe u maybe also can join my survival server!

  20. hazzabazza10078 Says:

    Am I the only one that can’t distinguish Mumbo from King Happy?

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