Hermitcraft II 277 Lets Finish It!

Hermitcraft II 277 Lets Finish It!Hermitcraft II Playlist â-» http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKiL51GPEbeRajHdVg_afvIn Enough waiting! This episode we knuckle down and finish the farm! Guardian Elevator https://www….

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Sep 28th, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft II 277 Lets Finish It!”

  1. Fritz F Says:

    hi xisuma

  2. xisumavoid Says:

    This episode of hermitcraft we finally finish the farm!

  3. Samiul Akbar Says:

    Xisuma, Microsoft is making Minecraft 2 any thoughts? (video on Sethbling’s

  4. ZephyrElite Says:

    Aaaaaaalo everybody

  5. GoldenAuricorage Says:

    Such a weekend life saver lol Thanks Xisuma, Guardfall is perfect for the
    name and the design was awesome :D Keep up the awesome work :D

  6. iSlush Says:

    I love you so much xisuma <3

  7. Badgerking Says:

    Die – ore – ite :-)

  8. IbanezRG Says:

    The fuck is a gaurdian 

  9. String.Epsilon Says:

    I would have named it “DeepFall” – Thanks for all the Fish.

  10. legofan431 Says:

    I absolutely love it! :D

  11. Coop DizzleMC Says:

    Bravo! Congrats on finishing the farm, Xisuma! I’ve enjoyed following this
    project. Although I don’t plan on building a guardian farm, probably ever,
    the scope of this thing and the fact that you’ve completed it is a big
    inspiration! Congrats again! =^)

  12. Thomas Young Says:

    Love the 40 minute episode <3

  13. Masre Super Says:

    They only thing you need a lot of gunpowder for is TNT

  14. Antton12123 Says:

    Xisuma, i was just thinking. I love your videos. You make such good
    content, i’m always super glad when i see your videos in my subbox. You’re
    such a nice guy, there’s no scumbags in your comment section, everything is
    perfect! If there was more people like you, the world would be better place

  15. ShadowWolfMC Says:

    I don’t know about you X, but I think it ruins the look with a flat, empty
    top. Maybe if you add a big glass dome shape over the top? I don’t know.
    Might just be something to think about :-)

  16. jerril42 Says:

    Awesome build! I will be glad to share your promo video when it comes out

  17. Poyoarya Says:

    The dark thing disappeared when you press F1 is called a vignette. It’s a
    nifty camera effect.

  18. FirstWorldGamer Says:

    What did they use to update to 1.8? I know bukkit stopped updating so what
    new is there?

  19. Tommy Østergaard Says:

    put a big roof on the farm

  20. Mackan the Minecrafter Says:

    Will you ever do a nother battle royale?

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