Hermitcraft II 257 Delivery Farm

Hermitcraft II 257 Delivery FarmHermitcraft II Playlist â-» http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKiL51GPEbeRajHdVg_afvIn This episode we set out to build a unique addition to a normal farm design. Minecraft: Automatic…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Jul 20th, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft II 257 Delivery Farm”

  1. Xoconoch Says:

    Name one Xoconoch please :}

  2. EchoCraft Says:


  3. Pungence Says:

    It’s settled, I’m having chicken for lunch!

  4. xisumavoid Says:

    Saturday Hermitcraft is here! This episode we build a unique concept for a
    regular farm.

  5. Ethan Roberts Says:


  6. FalseSymmetry Says:

    Awesome! – thanks for making this X – really needed some food around Spawn

  7. Truls Årseth Olsen Says:

    Free chicken for all hermits?! What about kfc? (Keralis Fried Chicken)

  8. Kelden Daly Says:

    hey keralis has 1 you are taking his costomers take it down emediatly

  9. Danger Geezer Says:

    Wow you’ve just killed the point of the food district !

  10. Melon! Says:

    Darn, I’m hungry after watching this x3

  11. yoyo apprentice Says:

    Didn’t Keralis make KFC already?

  12. xXKamikazePTXx Says:

    bye KFC, bye DmacDonald’s, bye Muse Meats, bye Salad Shop, bye Pho Shop

  13. GrizzlyStudios101 Says:

    +xisumavoid How did you create the watermark at 10:35? I’ve been trying to
    make one successfully for a while now with no avail.

  14. Skirakzalus Says:

    8:00 As I understand the comparators (actually only have the XBox-Version
    of Minecraft) they send out a signal which can have different strenghts due
    to the amount of items in a container. So you could maybe take the hopper
    next to the chest to activate the timer when the double chest is full and
    deactivate it again with a long delay or if the box is empty.
    I’d suggest you use the same contraption for the hoppers as in the chicken
    farm itself. This way the clock wouldn’t always run.
    The Project is really cool, actually planned something similar myself once
    I get to PC-MC. ^^
    For the hoppers, what about a trapdoor above? Could stop that bouncing
    while maintaining access to the hopper.

  15. Tucker Jensen Says:

    Now my craving for chicken is back…

  16. Nik Erzetič Says:

    you will have to pay keralis some diamonds for destroying his business

  17. Xesau Says:

    Do you hate Keralis? Probably yes, because KFC sells chicken, and you give
    it away for free to everyone, so you have stopped his business…

  18. rickardrick Says:

    dont you have to be close for it to work at all?

  19. LittleSloases Says:

    Sloases (pronounced Slow-Sis)

  20. K jr. Says:

    Somebody accidentally spoiled this in an episode, don’t remember who. 

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