Hermitcraft II 236 Reopening Muse Meats

Hermitcraft II 236 Reopening Muse MeatsHermitcraft II Playlist â-» http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKiL51GPEbeRajHdVg_afvIn Its time for another inspection of muse meets, with spumwack himself. And Biffa of course…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : May 4th, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft II 236 Reopening Muse Meats”

  1. Luke Hutchins Says:

    I laughed more at the end of this video than I have in a really long
    time. Well done sir.

  2. Mewcancraft Says:

    As far as my knowledge goes, sheers were mainly created for obtaining more
    wool from sheep without killing them, harvesting plants that normally
    couldn’t be harvested, breakin cobwebs faster and breaking wool without
    losing durability. It is not a game error, it’s a feature. 

  3. Sam Freed Says:

    Did you guys get lessons from +sl1pg8r on the spinning? Looks like ballet
    might be a good talent for the three of you!

  4. Stoopidang Says:

    Are you ever going to do a facecam? 

  5. TwoGuysBrickfilms Says:

    Five minutes of saying “goodbye” later… “Goodbye!”

  6. MasterTriforceXIII Says:

    Lettuce all agree,Xisuma is awesome

    That was a horribly bad pun >~<

  7. Duff Stephens Says:

    what do you brits say? Rubbish Day? lol

  8. Antton12123 Says:

    Why i can’t see any comments? :/

  9. Glitchymewman Says:

    The best is when you turn your sensitivity up to 100%

  10. Eric Egolf Says:

    Love the bit at the end :)

  11. MrKassieboy Says:

    Please do a face cam or a vlog soon

  12. _lion123 Says:

    Very nice episode. Such a hilarious ending! Do more collabs (and more
    singing too), it’s just too funny! :D

  13. lucas matthews Says:

    Dat music

  14. KingDaddyDMAC Says:

    Great seeing 3 hermits in the same video :)

  15. Fennoman Says:

    Great watch :) That end really cheered / cracked me up!

  16. Scteam2000 Says:

    This was A”Muse”ing! XD

  17. tggt00 Says:

    FACEPALM.. use shears on wool does not affect the durability, it’s a known

  18. normalguy821 Says:

    Loved it!

  19. Kay Cee Says:

    I was laughing so much; my eyes were watering. Thank you.

  20. CoryTheDark Says:

    lol That’s all I can saw for the last few minutes…

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