Hermitcraft 130 Explorers

Hermitcraft 130 ExplorersMe & Biffa continue our exploration of this new continent in search of horses. Looking for more Hermitcraft? â–‹ Hermitcraft Playlist http://bit.ly/Hermitcraft…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : May 11th, 2013

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft 130 Explorers”

  1. CarlosDiez32 Says:

    Went hunting for horses. Found iron, gold and diamond horse armor, 2 name tags and 8 different horses all in the first plains biome i encountered!

  2. TriggerHappyRC1 Says:

    Because Xisuma was wondering which other people have found horses.

  3. superarmandbros Says:

    What’s the seed and the coords of that village and those EPIC mountains?

  4. JitsuLeonEPF Says:

    Is it true most hermit crafters are leaving and there will be a new map?

  5. Sean Lee Says:

    thank you for recording this on my birthday, and I really liked this episode.

  6. AlmightyAverageJoe Says:

    Hey guys, i’m not trying to be annoying but I would love it if you came and checked out my channel, Thanks! ;)

    - AAJ

  7. Leon Killa Says:

    Etho fanboy :/

  8. superarmandbros Says:


  9. Jack Ackary Says:

    were is your hunger when you are riding a boat????

  10. Viktor Westin Says:


  11. EnellGmz Says:

    minecraft science for horses, please!!!!!!!!! :)

  12. Alexis Boucquey Says:

    Fake :/

  13. nick0123210 Says:

    I have a question Xisuma, why wouldn’t horses be able to spawn in old chunks? I thought any plains biome would do no?

  14. finley kelly Says:

    What do you use to record Xisuma

  15. Rockyfelle Says:

    Riding a boat? wtf

  16. TheHugo344 Says:

    lvl 250 Wow ! O_o

  17. TorrNateOh Says:

    Just to let you know Xisuma, I also found my horses extremely fast(i live in desert and then passed through the plains and there they were) and usually when you find them you won’t just find one pack of them maybe like 1 to 2 more packs of horses spread out. Not bragging just giving you info. Another thing, are you completely sure that these are in fact new chunks? Love the exploration vids though the world looks awesome. I don’t think horses are breedable ATM so try to keep them alive

  18. Auke Rosier Says:

    Great job xisuma! I am really enjoying this mini subseries. Glad to see you are playing minecraft again. :D

  19. SweetButEvilHD Says:

    The seed is 4

  20. Yousef Kehail Says:

    Guude just pranked him

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