HELP! Punchwood T-shirt Artwork is Here! PLEASE VOTE!!

HELP! Punchwood T-shirt Artwork is Here! PLEASE VOTE!!I’m super excited for this limited edition T-shirt of Punchwood the Great Escapist but I need your help to choose the avatar and the caption (if any)! GO VOTE NOW! Avatars:…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Mar 15th, 2015

20 Responses to “HELP! Punchwood T-shirt Artwork is Here! PLEASE VOTE!!”

  1. Grizzlygaming88 Says:

    #1 but you should have one with you & your famous pet wolf Wilson :D

  2. SlimeMaster Nate Says:

    I like number five, it seems the most fitting for the purpose of the shirt 

  3. Ice Kold Killa Says:

    Number 1. Everyone knows your skin. 

  4. Matt Pike Says:

    Plz go back to Minecraft i was your 2000 subscriber and thoughs days were

  5. Joe Patterson Says:

    Paul I know that you don’t really do minecraft anymore but would you mind
    checking out the crafting dead. maybe do a video on it? maybe a series? I
    would be very happy if you were to cover it.

  6. Joel and Ethan DoHDGaming Says:

    I like number 3 I think it would go well on a t-shirt

  7. Zachary Downie Says:

    It’s obvious that #2 is Pablo Punchwood and the One And Only Soarvivor.
    It’s a competition 

  8. MCPro Azka Says:

    2 Definetly,TheBeard,The shirt,the shading,really fits a shirt…get it?
    FITS a shirt?

  9. thomas robertson Says:

    Does anyone know how much these t-shirts will cost ? 

  10. SuperCreepyCurlyMan Says:

    Totally #2 !

  11. blacklightcharlie78 Says:

    I like number two because it gives you the famous five-o-clock shadow but
    really like number three better if it wasn’t as green and more of a brown

  12. Mcgoo500 Says:

    hold the phone, you use google? gee (no offence or anything) I thought
    someone your age would use Internet Explorer… :| well… this is starting
    to get awkward, why are you still reading this? go to something better than
    read this comment, seriously go ._. okay fine I will leave this comment…
    you stay, whatever!

  13. Ykelo Radford Says:

    3, Just more brown, and maybe mix it with a bit of 5…

  14. Oliver Kirkwood Says:

    2 definitely 2. i love how this is.

  15. CoolGabrijel Animations Says:

    If I would be honest for a sec the 3rd or 2nd one would be good
    The 3rd one would be the best becouse of the caption but its green…which
    missed the theme fully
    So if the artists doesn’t make it brown in time I would choose 2nd one
    becouse it looks the best to me
    Lemme explain about the captions
    If you wore a shirt that has just a custom escapist guy that would be cool
    BUT having a funny caption always adds the viewers attraction like what
    does it say? Lol! haha I know that refrence!
    Image a plain black shirt with a white skull…Not interesting

  16. legoclone09 Says:

    +paulsoaresjr Could you send me one for my birthday? I love those shirts!
    My birthday is March 18.

  17. Anthony Benson Says:

    I like image #5 and the caption ”I’m a soarvivor” because the picture is a
    mix of the Minecraft skin and Escapists skin. Also the shirt might interest
    people who see it into watching PSJ’s channel and it is also a true
    statement if you wear the shirt, I just like it being a statement involving
    PSJ’s channel and also sort of being a catch phrase for PSJ and all of us,
    his fans and subscribers. 

  18. paulsoaresjr Says:
  19. Ryan Simo Says:

    3. Although it isn’t the normal colour he actually tried a lot

  20. alex archetti Says:

    #5 it’s the perfect combination of the escapists and your mine craft skin!
    It’s a two in one!

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