Ghast Myths [Minecraft Myth Busting 71]

Ghast Myths [Minecraft Myth Busting 71]Minecraft Myth Busting Playlist â-» This episode we look at three different questions worth knowing about ghast …

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Feb 23rd, 2015

20 Responses to “Ghast Myths [Minecraft Myth Busting 71]”

  1. ItsFozzy Says:

    This sort of opens it up now then X; you could test to see if what you say
    is true for all blocks (They see the hitbox and calculate if they can
    shoot) so for example, can they shoot through open doors, extended pistons
    and maybe even chests, as their hitbox is not full and creates a gap
    between 2 of them?

  2. Martin Popovski Says:

    An I the only one annoyed that about half of all Minecraft players call
    slabs halfslabs??? Like they are called either slabs or half blocks, a half
    slab would be 1/4 of a block or 1/2 of a slab.

  3. Tinfoil Chef Says:

    Great episode. I’ll also point out that Ghasts cannot see through glass,
    which is why in the past I’ve used glass to make ‘safe passage’ tunnels
    through the nether that don’t block the view

  4. Thalescfm Says:

    Pressing F3+B you can see the eye level of a mob.

    If a line can be drawn between the eye of the player and the eye of the
    mob, that mean that it sees you, meaning that the mob can attack you.

  5. kg583 Says:

    I thought I’d be a productive viewer and not just comment the word “first”
    or something like that even though I’m early. I knew before this video that
    the fireballs are deflected by slime blocks because I play Missile Wars a
    lot and it is annoying as heck when a fireball hits a slime block and
    bounces back.

  6. CubeMasterXD Says:

    Here is one for your mini myths!
    Are some enchantments place specific?
    Like… does Feather Falling work on nonboots
    And Respiration, Aqua Afinity and deapth strider for example on leggings

  7. xisumavoid Says:
  8. animaLvGaming. Says:

    ghasts maybe spawn on the floor down in lava, not in lava

  9. brocklefrog Says:

    One for the mini myths, sort of a follow-up to a previous video.
    Do a test to see which new blocks can be instantly mined, from 1.8.

  10. 7YR ANNY Says:

    Thank you so much for this video. I also thought that ghasts spawned in
    lava lakes, and because of that I felt it was a waste of time half-slabbing
    the area around my farm in the nether to increase efficiency. I guess its
    time to do some half-slabbing lol. Thanks X. 

  11. Gegi Zambakhidze Says:

    Xisuma that is awesome. can you do myth about blaze too? like can they
    shoot you between half slabs and can their be returned by slime block? :)

  12. Jack Whitehouse Says:

    Comments statistics
    Pointless opinions 40%
    Begging for likes/views 30%
    Valuable comments 20%

  13. Kieran Robson Says:

    xisuma maybe you could try and find out how much wood can a wood chuck
    chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood , wow that was hard to type

  14. Stressmonster101 Says:

    I can’t believe they can shoot through half slaps!!

  15. Chris Hyman Says:

    In Mindcrack UHC this season, Seth caught on fire and Docm told him to run
    around. He might’ve been joking (I’m terrible at picking up on that kind of
    sarcasm), but does that have any affect on the length of time you’re on
    fire? I think it’s random within a range (based on what caused the fire),
    but I wouldn’t expect movement to have any effect…

  16. Ghast Hunter Says:

    This is my favorite episode. 

  17. fdagpigj E Says:

    That actually looked like the ghast was taking contact damage from water
    (since it started taking damage almost instantly rather than after ten
    seconds), similar to how blazes and endermen take damage when they touch
    water as if it was lava. Do ghasts (or other mobs that take contact damage
    from water) actually start drowning properly if they stay in water long
    enough, taking more damage than before they run out of oxygen, or will they
    lose health at a constant rate no matter how long they stay underwater?

  18. Stilyes Says:

    But this means that the Hermitcraft Nether ahub is a dangerous place…
    Because the white banner portal is designed with some slabs.

  19. Dractus Says:

    I read into the code X, Ghasts cannot spawn in lava :P they do just fly
    into it :)

  20. Zack Bond Says:

    Great tests! I love Minecraft Myth Busting.

    Edward McCarthy had a good point. Maybe ghast/lava spawning is like the
    string experiment: nothing can spawn on a world covered with string but if
    there’s one spawnable space, mobs can spawn on string.

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