FTL: Faster Than Light 05 Into The Rockies

FTL: Faster Than Light 05 Into The RockiesLeave a like if you enjoyed the video! â-» FTL Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKjctyrcPT-vSe-N8QWcmzme â-» Get the game here http://www.ftlgame.com/ Links! â–‹…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Jul 3rd, 2014

20 Responses to “FTL: Faster Than Light 05 Into The Rockies”

  1. Shawn Craft Says:

    first comment!

  2. KHaL Yeleytr Says:

    I think not buying the zoltan crew member was not a good decision. Zoltans
    give power to the room where they are.
    And the cloaking… Personally I don`t like it. For defense is way better a
    drone, but it’s more costly.

  3. Ahmed Shadi Says:

    That’s Awesome!

  4. droidxbounty Says:

    When you arrive to a hostile beacon, press space and it will automatically
    pause it for you, this is useful for preplanning on ships that might have
    cloaking, because if you pause it after the dialog, then you might not be
    able to lock on :)

  5. Shaun Tay Says:

    Will you be continuing the series after you beat it?

  6. aethertech Says:

    Time to start betting on who wins, Xisuma, or the Rebel Flagship?

    5000 scrap on the flagship.

  7. Blue Okapi Says:

    Xisuma, having an Engi on the O2 system in the Kestrel A isn’t a good idea.
    It keeps all your repair crewmen on the left side of the ship, delaying
    your repair to the right systems a bit. And besides, it’s not important
    that you *immediately* fix your O2 system. It can wait a bit. To spread
    your repair crewmen out a bit I would recommend putting him in the shields,
    since it’s close to the most vital system, piloting (imo it’s most
    important anyway), as well as right next to doors and sensors. Also, if
    you wanna beat the flagship you’re gonna want some anti-boarding measures;
    I noticed you didn’t have one mantis. One more thing, swapping the Rockman
    to the doors system allows it to easily recover from fire, so that’s a good
    thing to do. Thanks for reading and please correct me if I’m wrong on
    anything! <3

  8. Badgerking121 Says:

    The title is spelt wrong

  9. xisumavoid Says:

    Another episode of FTL!

  10. XatomXplosionX Says:

    Will be uploaded on the 4th of July? :-)

  11. Kunstruktive Kritisisim Says:

    Whai isn’t the rockman in the piloting?

  12. Kunstruktive Kritisisim Says:

    You should upgrade everything to level 2 even if you don’t have power for
    it, some events need it.

  13. Tibo Casier Says:

    Like #6

  14. autom4 Says:

    X, you should really upgrade your piloting subsystem if you want more dodge
    :) upgrading your sensors by one also lets you see their weapon charge. If
    you time it right, you can use your cloaking while the enemy ship is
    shooting at you, to not only delay their next shots, but also have a +60
    evade boost to those shots. Very good for dodging missiles. I’d also
    suggest trying to find another rock crew member, as they can be handy when
    there is a boarding drone breaching your ship.

  15. FlamingFoxGaming Says:

    Xisuma, you may think your prepared for the flagship, but you’re not. I had
    the engi ship, and i was crusing till the end stage, tbh it was kinda my
    fault since my weapons could barely pierce his shields, and neither could
    his. But then, my boarding crew died, his missiles came back online, power
    surges my cloak, the rest is history :(

  16. Ro Jasen Says:

    fix your hull before the bosss!

  17. xisumavoid Says:

    I noticed a typo in the title…. but no one here commented! :-o I’m

  18. NaveTGT Says:

    Hey Xisuma! You should definitely check out other people on your ship for
    switching in certain rooms, especially when you see Zoltan crew members for
    sale or get ones through winning a battle even when your crew is full.
    Zoltan crew members count as a reactor point wherever they are, so having
    one on any area would assist you greatly.

  19. S1D3WYZ Says:

    Another enjoyable episode =) Making a ton of progress with the mechanics!
    You’ve contributed so much to my education in Minecraft, so I enjoy being
    able to give back a little and help you a bit with this game. (and
    vocabulary) ;-)

    Two tips about Stealth:
    Defense – Cloak to avoid an incoming missile or bomb (that will bypass your
    sheilds) or large volley of enemy fire.
    Offense – Enemy weapons systems do not charge (but yours do) when cloaked.
    (Same thing in reverse; your weapons do not charge when an enemy is
    cloaked, but theirs do)

    post·pone – v – pōstˈpōn – delay, defer, reschedule
    ar·bi·trar·y – adj (ily – adv) – ärbiˌtrerē – based on random choice or
    personal whim, rather than any reason or system – random (ly), (by) chance,
    unpredictable (ly)

    As always, thanks for continuing to produce awesome content =)

  20. zueljin Says:

    Cloaking is going to be really useful! 

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