Fastest Game Ever??? (Missile Wars)

Fastest Game Ever??? (Missile Wars)On the Yogscast charity livestream we played what was possibly the fastest game of missile wars ever, clocking in at 1:03 Cluster Chunk From Yogscast…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Jan 2nd, 2015

20 Responses to “Fastest Game Ever??? (Missile Wars)”

  1. Evren Uçar Says:

    Somebody need`s to do a MLG montage to this. :3 Link me to one if there is
    -Round Winning Kill!

  2. Luc Burgerjon Says:

    I did the same too once, everyone shocked :P

  3. justaGDfan Says:

    I laughed so hard at 0:57 “MORE! MORE STUFF!” and Mumbo was just jumping
    around trying to salvage the situation XD

  4. Mistory Minecraft Says:

    What? did seth not scream “A LIGHTNING RIDER ON THE LOOSE. STOP HIM!”. He
    made the game and shouldve known better. Well played. VERY well played. You
    also got lucky that the other team didnt defend so well

  5. Mumbo Jumbo Says:

    Yeah. We got destroyed.

  6. PlayFriik Says:

    Lol, my fastest game was ~15 seconds, because I killed our own portal.. :/

  7. xisumavoid Says:

    Have you ever seen a faster game?

  8. Snocrash Says:

    The more important achievement was that you blew up Mumbo.

  9. BarryPlaysGames Says:


  10. Zealaz TV Says:

    This is showing us that the machine X is powerfull, and will destroy us
    all… o.O

  11. H0pestart3r Says:

    That was insane! I really like the stream, was there at that time. Totally
    epic. Some people in the chat thought it was OP or “hax” though :P But was
    an epic critical win xD #Surprise 

  12. Antti Alppinen Says:

    How did noone stop you?! Oh well…. Victoryyyyyyyyy! :D

  13. 【Sp@cE Studi0】咩哥 Says:

    wow what is that luck???

  14. betatester Says:

    lol i saw mumbos part of the stream and somehow i didnt even notice you xD
    they were all (except one) well on your side so no one could stop you i

  15. CAG2PlaysMC Says:

    AND Both portals GG

  16. FalseSymmetry Says:

    That was pretty impressive.. I mean.. totally out of order Xisuma xD

  17. MrMadakey Says:

    I remember watching the start of this and then looking away and then back
    and thinking… It’s over!?!

  18. MrNicish Says:

    I just realized, you’re using the same font in the thumbnail as they do in
    the Angry Birds title.

  19. Armadillito Says:

    You are challenging Sethbling for superiority!? That is very very foolish.

  20. GuyWithTheThings Says:

    Hax I see u have Nodus y u cheat

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