Factorio 09 The Big Rebuild

Factorio 09 The Big RebuildFactorio Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKjVgYaRnIMZz31i1F9rNUBL Factorio is a game about building automation and managing resour…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Jan 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “Factorio 09 The Big Rebuild”

  1. Johnnyb3g00d Says:

    Awesome episode, loving the new system. Your base expanded so much! What do
    you have planned next? Part of me feels like oil is going to be one
    resource that’s going to be hard to find and keep in production. Maybe a
    railroad system to get as possible from the surrounding area? I haven’t
    done anything with trains, so that would be really interesting to see.

  2. Kieran Pike Says:

    Crude oil last forever once the yield gets to 0.1 crude per second it stays
    like that forever so that eventually you will have so many pump jacks on
    0.1 that you don’t need to expand ( in less you expand your refining also
    you tracks on the main bus should be iron copper iron gears electronic
    circuits advanced circuits and steel

  3. TheNirl Says:

    Hmm, maybe you were unaware of this, but the splitters always put the items
    on the side of the belt that they were on before being split. So you can
    safely split belts with two different items on them and the ratio and
    position of the items will be maintained =)

  4. Daurak Says:

    Sweet! System is looking really cool.

  5. Miguel Ángel Caňadas González Says:

    Cant you just remove the full oil tanks and put them back down empty?

  6. xisumavoid Says:
  7. Otto Rosenberg Says:

    You are building way too much inserters. One inserter factory is more than
    enough for all building and assembling needs especially if you use big

  8. Tyler Jordan Says:

    Hey X or anyone so I tried to make one of those afk xp gold farms on my
    server and I am having a problem. So I hit my captive pigman with a snow
    ball and they come after me a fall down this shot will the new ones are not
    spawning aggressive :/ then when I hit the captive one again the new ones
    are not turning aggressive but when I hit a newly spawn one the other new
    ones turn aggressive:/ now I think it has something to do with some
    commands because my friend was messing around with them and maybe some did
    something so any tips to make it work or anything :p

    Also love the serious :)

  9. Masre Super Says:

    When you livestream you should play this game more often, I really like it
    (maybe multiplayer)

  10. Tim Says:

    Later on you can use light oil to make the white/black
    stuff and heavy oil can be used to make lubricant, which is used for robots
    and faster tracks

  11. Transporter2 Says:


  12. E. Jacobs' Beats Says:

    Looks like an interesting game, I didn’t hear about it until this video.
    Gotta love alien killing. Thanks, Xisuma.

  13. Brandon OFTO Says:

    I am really enjoying this series, I am new to this game so it is cool to
    watch you play through it. I feel like you do a good job explaining

  14. Jere Niemi Says:

    Can i get this at steam ?

  15. slosh11111420 Says:

    You should look up solar setup and reduce pollution

  16. Matthew Lau Says:

    Also try to watch Magledpork gaming his factory is awesome
    Watch the rail World Series 

  17. Arongil Productions Says:

    love all the factorio. It’s a good change from minecraft. (which I love to)

  18. Albin Hoxha Says:

    Leave Factorio plss! You can start playing crash landing

  19. Sebgear Says:

    It’s looking great so far. Keep it up.

  20. joao sturza Says:


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