Factorio 03 Defensive Automation

Factorio 03 Defensive AutomationFactorio Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKjVgYaRnIMZz31i1F9rNUBL Factorio is a game about building automation and managing resources and killing aliens! What…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Dec 13th, 2014

20 Responses to “Factorio 03 Defensive Automation”

  1. Mattagon Says:

    I must say you have way to much time on your hands xisuma

  2. Ricardo Vogel Says:

    How much doesn’t this game Cost?

  3. Ger ma Says:

    If only you could uplaod this daily:(

  4. Brandon Pugh Says:

    +xisumavoid Just in case you didn’t notice already, your mouse is not
    visible to us. It would be really nice if you could re-enable that in your
    recording software for us to see, as it gets very confusing to see what
    you’re pointing at and talking about :P Hopefully this doesn’t become an
    issue bouncing back and forth between Factorio and Minecraft… Depending
    on the recording software you use, you might be able to set up a key toggle
    to display or hide the mouse in the recording.

    Also, I feel like it would help the viewers tremendously if you toggled the
    item info with the ‘Alt’ key (Maybe not the entire time you play, but at
    least when you’re explaining things or showing how something works lol). If
    you weren’t aware, his helps to show what items are being created and where
    they are moving to.

    Another thing I’ve been wondering… Is it necessary to remove all of the
    coal and stone ore before expanding? As far as I know, you can build on
    ores like normal land, so it shouldn’t make a difference. The only reason I
    could see for mining it would be to pull from a chest later on in the game,
    rather than using energy to mine it (which might be your reasoning, maybe I
    misunderstood :P ). This doesn’t seem too necessary though. Later on in the
    game, you’ll have trains flying halfway across the world, and excessive
    amounts of energy coming from who knows where. Finding a little coal patch
    and moving it 2000 blocks away is quite easy. Mining up the little bit of
    coal or stone in your base now doesn’t seem like it would be completely
    necessary. xD

    Hopefully this helps, Cptn

  5. Snocrash Says:

    Very interesting game; Thanx for the series! . I was initially a little
    sceptical about playing it – but I think I might give it a crack now…
    looks like it has some real depth.

  6. LopakerLP Says:

    #BestSeries EVER! please keep it up :) i would totaly appreciate it

  7. xisumavoid Says:
  8. MrSpockstar Says:

    Did you know something about multiplayer? :D It would be very cool to build
    that up with friends!

  9. Mula Kulu Says:

    The bottom crafting machine that makes the inserters automaticly isn’t
    getting any circuits. just so you know. I’m your personal helper :)

  10. Matthew Lau Says:

    xisuma will you provide us a promotion code? :)

  11. Duos Aiden Says:

    This game looks so cool. It’s like a huge Gold Rudberg machine :] I
    remember trying to do gold rudberg machines when I was little. This game
    takes me back in time a little.

  12. icepyrox Says:

    I think the gaps in your defense were a good move. When you get lasers, you
    can phase out the gun turrets. You have so much ammo for them it would be a
    shame to do as Zisteau (pronounced Zee-stow (as in stow away) btw) and then
    have metric tons of ammo on belts for no reason lol.

  13. maxzzzie Says:

    Hey x, I think about buying it. Do you think its worth the money?
    I (By seeing your video’s) think there is not much to do. Does it get
    extended over time like mc or does it stay like this?

  14. Masre Super Says:

    When you are ready to upgrade to laser turrets maybe place them down one by
    one (without destroying the gun turrets) and keep them working together.
    Ones all the laser turrets are in place and able to defend by themselves
    stop the production of ammo, but keep the turrets up, until they run out of
    ammo and then remove the gun turrets, so you won’t be left with way too
    much ammo.

  15. fritspas Says:

    So, they only really attack you when you start poluting their planet, and
    yet you call them the badguys…

  16. Negative Root Says:

    Can you please turn on advanced info so we can see what the heck is going

    17:00 a rebalancer would increase your belt storage. Also, i did mention on
    episode 2 i think about what happens with ammo on belts. definitely going
    to happen on the eastern wall.

  17. Dzintars Klušs Says:

    Xisuma, the best thing to destroy trees not far in the game are grenades,
    which just take 10 coal and 5 iron plates for one, but it has to be
    researched.Hope you use this for your advantage!

  18. Antti Alppinen Says:

    This has nothing to do with factorio but still. Myth busting idea: Do
    different types of swords cancel different amounts of damage while

  19. OrcPlays Says:

    Seems like a cool game to do a lets play on :o maybe I should record it,
    loving the series, keep it up!

  20. ole van deursen Says:

    O my gawd this is so scary, X, someone outside my house launched a firework
    and then 1 second after you said: i thought i heard someone shooting!, then
    i rewatched it and it happend again?!? I was like *LOL wuuuut?* :-D

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