Etho’s Modded Minecraft #5: Mining Ship

Etho's Modded Minecraft #5: Mining ShipMinecraft modded. In this Minecraft episode we check out the finished brewery in town. Then we play around with the idea of making a mining ship. Finally we head over to the twighlight forest…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Feb 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “Etho’s Modded Minecraft #5: Mining Ship”

  1. EthosLab Says:
  2. Ethan Clawiter Says:

    If you ever do a medieval city/town my skin is modeled after the Phantom of
    the Opera.

  3. Brett Doyle Says:

    I’ve never used the custom NPCs mod, but I have some knowledge of coding,
    so I would think the “Init” section is where global variables should be
    declared (like NextMove (variables should start with lowercase :P)), and
    then all the other sections should (I’m guessing) be able to access/modify
    those variables, and have their own local variables. I would guess the
    different sections are run only in certain circumstances, “Init” once on
    startup, “Update” every game tick? “Interact” each time a player interacts,
    Hopefully this helps.

  4. Inspector_ Alex Says:

    I really don’t like these NPCs. It feel like cheating, even if its just
    juicing apples.

  5. ruassmarkt Says:

    Hey Etho, you could build a Quarry out of those nasty Mining Whells and dig
    out massive Mines at points where you won’t really need to build (Oceans,
    e.g.). leaving a water source block at the top of the mine will extinguish
    the lava and you can have some extra obsidian

  6. WolvesOfSolitude PSNGaming Says:

    Hey Etho!, how about another side project is making a Prison with Some
    lucky Subscribers Skins. Basicly Add a NPC in the jail with a question that
    it asks you. My MC user is ColdInTheDeep

  7. Jovan Borjanovic Says:

    get the morph mod in the modpack plz so that you can move around easier 

  8. KingDaddyDMAC Says:

    That intro is just to funny :p

  9. Luke Wakier Says:

    You do this for a living . . . But you can’t upload daily for some reason
    … Ok .. ?

  10. Kakashi Hatake Says:

    Yo, Etho, you spelt Twilight wrong I’m the description.

  11. Sabrina Lopes Says:

    Etho i think you should do a comment of the day thing like in your single
    player except the person who comments Adds thier minecraft ign to the

    Like if you agree!

  12. TheChristmasNoob Says:

    Etho, you should make a strip club with a whole bunch of girl npc’s who
    follow you around as a pack whenever you are in the city

  13. DeAwesomest123 Says:

    So is there no chance this modpack will be released? I know myself and a
    lot of other people would want to play it, and yeah I know it’s pretty hard
    to release a modpack because of ownership stuff, just wondering if there’s
    a chance

  14. webmaster657 Says:

    Etho, you do realise you have almost 2 million subscribers? You’ve hit the
    1.75 million milestone, are you going to make a video to thank us at 1.75
    or are you waiting for 2 million as you are growing quite fast? And just
    think about it, a crowd of a few hundred is a lot, but a crowd of a couple
    million? Just take a step back and consider how many people are watching.

  15. Christine Prestridge Says:

    Like this comment if you want more episodes.

  16. Collin Bruce Says:

    Has anyone noticed that denny looks like generikb? Srsl maybe add genny to
    your world?

  17. Stefan Pena Says:

    Try something like this. COULD CRASH OR LAG OR SOMETHING! Test it in

    var test=0;

    while (true)
    break loop;

    Make it so the program is forced to stay inside a loop. If you want to exit
    the loop use a break (or something different). Also I would recommend to
    put a delay in the loop so it wouldn’t lag or something. Also try to
    manually arrange code to make it easy for you to read :)

  18. Chris Sisic Says:

    Hey Etho, The NPC mod is really interesting, and if you feel up to the
    idea, I would love to see like certain villages have certain race themes
    for the NPC’s like if you make a village/town/city in the mountains, maybe
    they can be some sort of elvish race or some sort of beastfolk skin of an
    orc or animal race, I know that would be time consuming to get the skins
    for, but it would be cool to have it all themed out, it would also add to
    the game world’s immersion. I know this is still a quite early series, but
    they really caught my interest and I would love to watch the world grow
    into something really diverse and unique. 

  19. WarpSpeedGamer Says:

    Of course the girl is the juicer…

    I know, I have a dirty mind xD

  20. Juan Zepezauer Says:

    +EthosLab I like your series and all your an amazing builder whis is the
    best part of this series but your not good at playing mods ,even your mod
    list is not at all good so here are some recomendations

    1) DO NOT use mining wells or BUILDCRAFT quarries use Ender Quarrys instead
    2) add extra utilities if you have not
    3)add applied energestics 2
    4) to get good stuff make a cobalt hammer with a thaumium tool rod and add
    3 levels of redstone and a flux capacitor then strip mine at level 12
    5) add thaumic tinkerer and thaumic exploration if you have not
    6) add ender IO
    7) don’t make an archimedes ship base or at least not a main base because
    it greatly limits what you can do i would reccomend only a few small things
    and access to your ae system
    8) make and ender pouch linking to your ae system and a golden bag for
    9) get better armor
    10)make a manyllum pick and sword
    11) watch +DireWolf20 for good tips on how to play mods without failing but
    don’t watch his mod reviews for 1.5 or older they are mostly outdated

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