Etho’s Modded Minecraft #20: Oil Refinery

Etho's Modded Minecraft #20: Oil RefineryMinecraft modded. In this Minecraft episode we setup an area for refining our oil into fuel, so that we can get a more stable source of power. Mod Pack Instructions – #1: Download FTB Launcher…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Apr 7th, 2015

20 Responses to “Etho’s Modded Minecraft #20: Oil Refinery”

  1. Lordjiraya Says:

    i admit i havent used them for too long in combination with lava, but my
    temperate fluiducts havent broken while transferring it

    and molten metal seems to have no temperature

  2. Genesectzdb Says:

    Hey etho, what does it take to become comment of the day/replied to :3

  3. Michael Cornette Says:

    Etho, twilight forest has a smoke emiter

  4. EthosLab Says:
  5. joseph bonomo Says:

    #1 minecraft YouTuber! 

  6. Mike Dell Says:

    ETHOOO!! You didn’t tell me to get my snacks….I had to watch your video
    without a snack….how could you do this!!! 

  7. Mystertman85 Says:

    Etho you should do one random hobo npc who would roum around with a dog or
    something! It would be so cool!! :D

  8. SPvpOp Says:

    Oh my god, 1 dislike who could have such a terrible sense of videos.

  9. Ionicent Says:

    Etho you can get the mobs with the grapple, you just have to say GET OVER

  10. Alex Hornbach Says:

    Etho this is one of my favorite series, but when the 1.3 update for
    terraria (I think it’s in June) will you play that with Zisteau again?

  11. Mohamed Lee Says:

    “Aw, he didn’t drop his pants” – Etho, 2015

  12. lunaEtoile Says:

    I really enjoy that you are trying to mimic real life set ups for coal coke
    and refining oil. It’s a refreshing change and makes your base look so

    And OMG yes, the railcraft rails are back in your hands. I know these will
    be an amazing transport tool for you.

  13. Samuel Purdy Says:

    Some people must of had there screen upside down when they liked the video

  14. RileyTVS Says:

    the oil place actually looks pretty good etho, don’t beat yourself up about
    your builds :P

  15. Colin B Plays Says:

    Hey Etho! Thanks for the secret stream the other day it was awesome!!
    Please stream some more for us!! <3

  16. Dario Games Says:

    Happy Easter everybody :)

  17. Samuel Suwa Says:

    Etho burning Redstone is like humans burning puppies or babies.

  18. TheGravityz3ro Says:

    Etho, just to clarify how a destilation tower works. Crued oil is bassicly
    a mixture of all kinds of components which all have their own boiling
    point. Now crued oil will be pumped in from the bottom while also being
    heated from the bottom. So the bottom of the tower is alot hotter then the
    top (like 400 degrees celsius at the bottom and 20 degrees celsius at the
    top). which makes all the components inside the crued oil mixture go to the
    highest point they can reach while still being hot enough for them to be a
    gas (which is what all the pipes on the side are ment for, bassicly to pump
    away the individual components). This is bassicly the way they split all
    the components inside the crued oil. And btw the pipe youre talking about
    which is on top of the tower is most likely not a smoke dispenser but the
    point where they extract LPG fuel.

  19. Hector K - L Says:

    Even though I always play vanilla, I found the modded series very fun at
    first. But now I think you spend too much time on machines and it started
    to tire me. I prefer the more creative episodes. I’m telling you this
    because you care about our feedback, and I’m being honest.

  20. Cody Thomas Says:

    Hmmmmm? Stab to bdubs hahahaha! Haha

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