Etho’s Modded Minecraft #13: Bandit Camp

Etho's Modded Minecraft #13: Bandit CampMinecraft modded. In this Minecraft episode we work out some more details on our coal coke ovens and then we start setting up a bandit camp by the fishing village. Mod Pack Instructions -…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Mar 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “Etho’s Modded Minecraft #13: Bandit Camp”

  1. Jc Zamora Says:

    Counter Strike Map? Wasn’t it from COD: Black Ops II?

  2. 41solstice25 Says:

    Etho, I have a great suggestion! In Thaumcraft 4, you can make banners and
    apply a bottle of essentia for a design on it based on that aspect! For the
    bandit camp, add some intimidating banners to warn off travelers.

  3. OkkonPlays Says:

    Its possible you have the mod that can enchant books with “soulbound I”. If
    you enchant a few books in lvl 1, you should get it. Then you just smack it
    onto the gameboy, and voilá! You wont lose it at death! :) 

  4. MrSage0011 Says:

    You can use ender io for the tree farming or steves carts or forestry

  5. Dan Hull Says:

    Ethos channel better not get ruined by random shitty games like Bdubz,
    GennyB, doc… Etc 

  6. Ivan KingTV Says:

    Etho what is seed of that world? Thanks in advance :-)

  7. Ryanpkmn Says:

    In my opinion, I think an invincible NPC should be made that will slap Etho
    every few minutes for as long as he is in the overworld and holding the
    gameboy. It’ll stop him from forgetting to put it back and can be the
    watcher’s avatar in the video (he did tell us to slap him :P).

  8. Daniel Šušuk Says:

    Guys i need to know, how to add custom npcs to your survival world? Please
    i need to know it fast

  9. pinstriped enderman Says:

    I think you should add the weapon mod because it would make for some cool
    weapons to give your bandits (throwing knives, muskets, cannons etc.) and I
    think one of your city’s should be a space station and should be
    responsible for collecting strange things. You should also make a farmer’s
    market to sell/give away produce and meat
    Keep up the good work!!

  10. Nio Pullus Says:

    An alternative to the block breaker is the terrain smasher, much cheaper

  11. Armitige Shanks Says:

    You could use wooden spikes for the top of the barricade around bandit camp.
    Also, you might want to check out the barricade from Tinkers’ Construct.

  12. Eric Tholen Says:

    28:15 there’s an elephant in the water?

  13. Archer Says:

    why are all of my suggested videos off of this one arabic O_o

  14. Jacob Code Says:

    Youtube seems to have derped with the related videos for me. The videos are
    named things in a script I don’t know. I think sanscript? I don’t know
    why… Maybe Youtube is racist with “bandit camp”

  15. Matthew Tavares Says:

    Etho you should play Besiege. I think it would make a good series on your

  16. 888Llama Says:

    Hello random citizens of youtube. My computer cannot handle big mod packs
    like Etho’s or AOTBT. So I was wondering if you could tell me 10-12 great
    mods that go well together, so I can make my own ‘mini’ mod pack :) thx

  17. Garrison Taylor Says:

    Here is the poem of the day guys, enjoy!

    First Etho killed a flying horse,
    Which might have been the wrong course.
    Why they were hostile, no one can say,
    Etho just wanted them to go away.
    Then he made a bandit camp,
    one that was dreary, dark, and damp.
    Actually it was a lovely place,
    But not to the panda, as you could tell by his face.
    For Etho tossed him in with an evil smirk,
    For there would the panda always lurk.
    That is why the panda is sad,
    He was taken from his mom and dad.
    To be thrown in a pit without a second thought,
    Where he would remain, tired and hot.
    Never again, his friends will he see,
    That feeling is not known by you nor me.
    His dreams are lonely, sad and dark,
    He thinks of the day he walked through the park,
    When Etho jumped him by surprise,
    And bound his hands and covered his eyes.
    Then threw him in that hole, never again to be seen,
    Oh how that was so evil and mean.
    Every night the panda cries,
    With the star’s reflections in his eyes.
    All he wants is to go home,
    but all above him bandits roam.
    Though we don’t know you panda, we feel your sorrow,
    Just try to focus on a better tomorrow.

  18. William Leber Says:

    Etho! You should start playing UHC again. I know you think it might be
    really boring, but i would like you to try it again! Plz consider

  19. Ethan Nelson Says:

    Remember, don’t put a portable hole in a bag of holding.

  20. EthosLab Says:

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