Etho’s Modded Minecraft #11: Coke Oven Factory

Etho's Modded Minecraft #11: Coke Oven FactoryMinecraft modded. In this Minecraft episode we try to build a coke oven system that mimics how coke ovens function in real life. Mod Pack Instructions – #1: Download FTB Launcher #2: From…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Feb 20th, 2015

20 Responses to “Etho’s Modded Minecraft #11: Coke Oven Factory”

  1. EpicCityGaming Says:

    Hey etho, maybe in the next few episodes, can you make a thaumic village,
    dedicated to thaumcraft? I think good block choices would be dark blocks,
    purple blocks, and dull blocks. They go the best with thaumcraft. Keep up
    the good work!

  2. Svangen_ Says:

    Etho please stop throwing potions on the ground. According to what I’ve
    seen it it better to throw it above your head and have it fall on you. Then
    you get the full time for the effect. I may be wrong, but if you don’t
    believe me, please test it on camera. Thanks

  3. MeatSlapperguy Says:

    Red stone is red
    Lapis is blue
    I’m bad at rhyming
    I think I have aids

  4. slimjimihendrix Says:

    It seems like Ezall is only going to the pressure plate when he is
    targetting you. As soon as you’re out of range he stops. I’d just increase
    his range to about 10 blocks and it seems like you’d be good. Also, using a
    Carpenter’s pressure plate would let you hide that thing better.

  5. Carl S Says:

    I thought Etho was going to make Coca-Cola D:

  6. bugzfreak Says:

    I thought the title said cookie oven, I’m sad now.:(

  7. Alex Krasikow Says:

    This series is moving too slow.

  8. Graham Bhuyan Says:

    Etho, on a scale of 1-10, what is your favorite color in the alphabet? 

  9. Inch MC Says:

    Roses are red
    Violetes are blue
    Etho now knows rotary craft
    And so do you

  10. Emma Sheridan Says:

    God dammiT promised myself last video before this was bed… T then I went
    into subscriptions and saw this video

    SUCH A OXYMORON. – (for all you not English people basically means bitter
    sweet moment)


  11. TheAdi347 Says:

    You should get your penguin army again :D

  12. Stefan Ilic Says:

    Waiting for it whole evening ;)

  13. Verlisify Says:

    Considering its been 2 days since a video, I would imagine many hours

  14. EthosLab Says:
  15. Ethan Nelson Says:

    Etho succeeded
    In using rotary craft
    So I wrote a thing

  16. Stupiding Says:

    I also have a coke factory IRL! Though most of the time the police find me
    and destroy it all, I always end up building it right back up again when
    I’m out of jail. It’s the best!
    #yolo #swag #cokelab #swagagain 

  17. Biffa2001: Minecraft, Mods & More Says:

    Nice looking coke factory you have there! :-)

  18. Coolrockboy3 Says:

    Wouldn’t a Coke Oven Factory be a factory that makes Coke Ovens?

  19. Mr.Light Says:

    I’M THE
    loser :/

  20. Ethan Cooke Says:

    Speed is self explanatory
    Power is what it can push (force of ovement of other objects)
    Power = work/energy
    Torque = Turning force
    You know when you hold a fast rotating rod, and you get a sort of burn?
    That’s torque.

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