Craft the World | E01 | Getting Started Tutorial

Craft the World | E01 | Getting Started TutorialLet’s play Craft the World! In this episode, I’ll show you how to get started on a brand new Campaign World! Steam page: In Craft the World you direct…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Apr 27th, 2014

20 Responses to “Craft the World | E01 | Getting Started Tutorial”

  1. ItzOnlyKent Says:

    That actually does look like a mobile game. I was expecting it to ask to
    buy more mana..

  2. iWanMahbleuPig Says:


  3. Nicolas Reategui Says:

    much wow
    such crafting
    nice magic

  4. Toyroythelegend Says:

    is it free? it looks cool

  5. OriginalTharios Says:

    So…it’s farmville and terraria in one game?

  6. Jack Neri Says:

    Luv u man
    (No homo)

  7. Christian Pohle Says:

    Guess I might have to correct a little bit you said, +paulsoaresjr ^^

    You said, you need to rightclick when removing the back-stone… you only
    need to left-click. If you hold the right mousebutton though, you can drag
    it to reverse the dig-markers (yes, reverse… setting or removing,
    depending if there is a dig-marker on a block)

    In addition, you can replace blocks. Activate the earth and click on a
    (background)block :)

    In addition, if I wouldn ot alredy own the game for a pretty long time,
    your videos would have me make buy and learn, like with a certain other
    series :)

  8. Tempblade Says:

    I really enjoyed it, thanks, Paul :)

  9. WrecklessEating Says:

    Fun episode :)

  10. TheMineMakes Says:

    I hate youtubers. They show me really cool games and I waste my money :p

  11. Joshpro8423 Says:

    Make vids on The Forest when it comes out!!!

  12. Kennan Kuehn Says:

    I hate people who say they waste money on stuff that isn’t 50 or so dollars
    and never got developed

  13. ∞TheEighthQuestion∞ Says:

    this game actually looks like crap.

  14. Club200333 Says:

    Paul! Your intro reminded me of the video series that brought me to
    Minecraft, Survive and Thrive II! I think it would be awesome if you could
    turn that world into a full on LP. Thanks!

  15. Logan Morris Says:

    what was that game you were playing i whant to watch

  16. Wamwam Smith Says:

    Do u think i shall buy that game ;)

  17. DJ Nik Says:

    +paulsoaresjr this game is nice, but why are you startingso many series?
    You have Attack of the B team, Mindcrack, Terraria, Hoodie the mage, etc.
    And now you have a new series Craft the World and you won’t finish the old
    series. Why?

  18. Krongfah Mahankalarp Says:

    It really does look like an iOS or Android game, no kidding.

  19. FULLDROID Says:

    I remember your first Minecraft video, it was what helped me make the
    decision to buy Minecraft during alpha. :)

  20. Darlene Trinh Says:

    love it! (:

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