Cities Skylines 39 The Trainyard

Cities Skylines 39 The TrainyardCities Skylines Playlist â-» Cities Skylines is a city building simulator game! Its like Sim City but better! In this…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 12th, 2015

20 Responses to “Cities Skylines 39 The Trainyard”

  1. Joey DH Says:

    Why not just use that cargo terminal? :)

  2. Lucas Banting Says:

    make the highway section before off ramps 6 lane roads

  3. Christopher Accad Says:

    u should put your city out for download if pssible

  4. Zac Howard Says:

    In the next season download a mod for a theme park. 

  5. Riganthor Says:

    only 200k of people in the city? Thats little in cim city 3000 you could
    even get more (millions literaly)

  6. Ricardo Vogel Says:

    Japanese garden is a official patch

  7. Ashton Bragger Says:

    If you have trouble seeing if a road is one-way, there is a mod called
    One-Way Street Arrows. It adds a button on the bottom right of your screen
    when building roads (beside the toggle snap button). When you click the
    button, it creates green arrows above the roads that are one-way in the
    corresponding direction. Also, can you make a list all of the mods & assets
    you use (maybe in the description or an annotation at the end of the

  8. TechMan Ethan Says:

    Did anyone else notice that we only got to 1,000 likes last episode?

  9. ElfyPers0n Says:

    Xisuma, you mentioned in an earlier episode that you might be doing another
    city after this one. Is that still on the table?

  10. Ana Margarida Modesto Says:

    I knew you would overdose from this game, by playing it everyday. I love
    this series, tho!

  11. Marijn Wicherink Says:

    put the highrise ban (policy) on the trainyard, so the buildings don’t

  12. stephane teffaine Says:

    you should do a map with some more montains and hill

  13. todd lithgow Says:

    Spend ages in first person getting lost

  14. TheUKgamingstudios Says:

    Could you do something similar to what BdoubleO is doing, having an ultra
    modded world where it changes the landscape of the map, just to add a bit
    more of a challenge to it.

  15. Toamastar15 Says:

    Why don’t you do some cool cinematic type stuff like you did with
    guardfall? :)

  16. Au Yi Teng Says:

    Don’t end the series. End the season and start a new one?
    With more experience with the game maybe it will be more fun to watch!
    Please please don’t end the series!!!

  17. MaxSeinsei Says:

    Yay GG Xisuma for everything :D This city has gone a long way ^^ Thanks for
    using my suggestion for the central park!

    Anyway, season two:
    > I thought maybe you should do one episode every two days: that would make
    it easier for you to have some condensed and efficient content, some nice
    editing, and most importantly, some more time for you :P
    > And secondly, I thought maybe the second city could be more futuristic,
    but still very organic. I can see like sinuous high roads, forests blending
    with the buildings…
    So even if it doesn’t make a HUGE city in the end, it still makes and
    efficient and pretty one :)

  18. Cor Sijtsma Says:

    Please place some big towers in your city like keralis :D

  19. xisumavoid Says:
  20. eezzstudios Says:

    Do another city! I don’t want this series to end!

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