Cities Skylines 34 Observatory

Cities Skylines 34 ObservatoryCities Skylines Playlist â-» Cities Skylines is a city building simulator game! Its like Sim City but better! In this…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 6th, 2015

20 Responses to “Cities Skylines 34 Observatory”

  1. MrGoose Says:

    don’t you have FullHD monitors?

  2. Samuel Kyletoft Says:

    How does it feel to have played this game for a hundred years
    (In-game time :) )

  3. Aniket Basak Says:

    Indian Font?!?! Thats Hindi, its a language.

  4. Filip Johander Says:

    This game is taking over you’re channel.. 

  5. Jimbobfred 88 Says:

    I feel like that’s way to many carparks. Football stadiums in real life
    usually only have one medium carpark. Most people use public transport to
    get to football matches. Very few people drive

  6. DarkFoxDK Says:

    I’m guessing you only upgraded half of the road into the observatory area
    to two-way…

  7. OwenWithAHammer Says:

    Xisuma, you spend a good chuck of your life at a computer and you’re behind
    5 years on your monitor game? I’m sure everyone who watches would love the
    investment in a 1080 monitor. They run for around $150 USD (not sure about
    pound) and look great.

  8. Sevith Says:

    This is such an awesome series!!!! You should never end it!!!

  9. RetiredMaster Says:

    I think this is like the best looking city ever.

  10. Jesse Sprenger Says:

    The end: and I will c…

  11. Sem de Waard Says:

    those cars that got up to the observerity are defenitely living the THUG

  12. xisumavoid Says:

    Video late and end cut off because youtube :-) Enjoy!

  13. Isaac Evans Says:

    You should name the pentagonal intersection “Pentagon Pass”.

  14. xisumavoid Says:
  15. Toamastar15 Says:

    Glad you took my advice on the observatory :) maybe name that district
    after something like astronomy? Galileo district? If you put farm land near
    it you can call it the plough district? Consolation and a farm tool!! :D

  16. Spyro deMie Says:

    The game is running below 30 fps because of all the trees each tree has its
    own moving motion do when you have so many in one spot it is trying to load
    all of the animations for each tree so this is just something that might be
    helpful to understand why is running slower.

  17. MNSweet Says:

    Suggestion: When you eventually replace all the solar power plants, use the
    space to build a transportation hub that feeds into all the areas. So you
    can localize all your public traffic to each district but funnel one line
    from each subway/bus/train into the hub for peeps to move through the city.

  18. Daniel Ryan Says:

    You should call the new area with the observatory “Easter Hill” to
    commemorate the episode that was on Easter! :)

  19. RealPuffNugget Says:

    X!!! If my eyes were right only half the road is two way and half is still
    one way leading up to the observatory so thats why the fire station won’t

  20. Seb Says:

    I think you should do next season on hard mode and left side traffic :)

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