Cities Skylines 28 Extended Building Information

Cities Skylines 28 Extended Building InformationCities Skylines Playlist â-» Cities Skylines is a city building simulator game! Its like Sim City but better! In this…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “Cities Skylines 28 Extended Building Information”

  1. Sword Slash Says:

    X, when you get tired of this city/run out of things to do, I think you
    should do another city which is as efficient as possible(so like grid
    design everywhere, only large buildings, etc.) and another city where you
    just make it look nice with the curved roads and such.

  2. Schmelchior Says:

    Hi X, regarding the traffic problem you had at around 6 minutes. I think
    the cars want to avoid the very right hand lane because there is that small
    off-ramp which connects to the solar power plants. They all try to merge
    into the middle lane. Maybe thats the cause for some other weird traffic
    problems that seem to happen because of the lane behaviour. Hope this helps.
    Great episode as always! :)

  3. Ruben Albrecht Says:

    Love this series ;)

  4. BlueSpace70 Says:

    Your city looks so beautiful compared to mine ;_;

  5. Sandwich247 Says:

    Not trying to be mean or anything but it is Autumn.

  6. Endertricity Says:

    Name districts after hermits!! False street of symmetry, mumbo’s jumbo or

  7. orange panda Says:

    Xisuma, please sort out the spelling of your districts. AUTUMN Grove,
    Spring COURT and COMMERCIAL 

  8. ledlamp23 Says:

    You should really consider building towards the Eden Project. All your
    buildings will level up. When I build mine my average land value went from
    34$ per square to 108$ per square. My income went from 5000 per week to
    52000 per week!
    Also you dont need to have the unique building activated for the monument
    to work. This will save you 10k/week per monument. Also the tourist are
    still a bit buggy I believe, my space elevator for example only attracts
    200 tourists

  9. Randy von der Weide Says:

    Xisuma, the lane switching is because of the game’s traffic rules.
    having a highway ramp to the right will designate the most right lane a
    turn-off lane, therefor any traffic that wants to go straight would switch
    to the left or middle lane, clearing the most right lane for any traffic
    that wants to leave the highway.
    The same happens for a on-ramp connecting to the highway, once again
    clearing the right lane for oncoming traffic. A solution for the oncoming
    traffic is to place the oncoming lane on the left side of the highway.
    However that’ s why they switch to the middle lane near your solar panels.
    (because of the off-ramp)
    There are some lane-switching behavior I do not yet understand, however
    this should give you some clues to solving traffic issues.

  10. Thebaluganator Says:

    Hey x, be careful with the parks you add, those 1×4 parks seem a little op
    with how little space they use

  11. Cinematic Productions Says:

    Hey X, I love this videos :)

    Was watching Cities at another YouTuber before and someone in the comments
    there pointed out that said YouTuber should check out your vids to see how
    to handle traffic. And I was like “Oh, let’s check out X’s city then” and
    damn, yours is so awesome, everytime I look back at this other guy’s videos
    I get sad! :D

    So, good job man! Please keep it coming as long as you enjoy it! :)

    Anyway, just an idea on you traffic problem in the middle of the city. To
    me it looks like the cars are switching lanes because the outer right ones
    becomes a right turning that only goes to the Solar-Power things. You might
    see it yourself if you look at the arrows on the street. So, they switch to
    the middle and thereby slow down all the traffic behind.

    Guess you might try to replace that little road from the Solar-Power things
    to the Highway and also remove the one before that, to astop the lane

    Phe … long comment. Sorry. Btw, apologies for any mistakes I might have
    made, no native speaker here.

  12. Bobbie Voorne Says:

    I want to point out that it makes perfect sense to place schools and
    clinics in a commercial district.

    1. Schools, so that parents can drop off their children on their way to
    work, visit them on lunch breaks and pick them up when their work is

    2. Clinics, not only to treat work related injuries, but also to do company
    wide health checks.

  13. K alsalman Says:

    1 hour earlier? Thanks X!

  14. Zachlo12 Says:

    Extended building information??? How is that cheaty????

  15. Skaliber Says:

    100’s of helipads and not a single chopper in sight.

  16. OriginalTharios Says:

    I’m pretty sure the Space Elevator is really a space elevator, but there’s
    no way they could fit enough of a view of the cable onto the model. I
    mean, it does go up about 60,000 km, after all.

  17. Stern Ritter Says:

    Xisuma, i got one question that is not related to games but its more
    personal question…
    Do you like reading books ?

  18. TheMinimoo4 Says:

    spring cort and autom grove…
    dat spelling tho

  19. Karim Karimous Says:

    Build an island with the terrara tool and in that island just put a bunch
    of the unique buildings, that are skyscrapers…

  20. xisumavoid Says:

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