Cities Skylines 26 Court House

Cities Skylines 26 Court HouseCities Skylines Playlist â-» Cities Skylines is a city building simulator game! Its like Sim City but better! In this…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “Cities Skylines 26 Court House”

  1. duisjfuds dinges Says:

    give the city a new name

  2. xisumavoid Says:

    Video length is messed up due to rendering mistake. May be fixed later :-)

  3. xisumavoid Says:
  4. Mattn255 Says:

    First?? Maybe??

  5. BegbertBiggs Says:

    That area surely needs some one way roads.

  6. Karim Karimous Says:

    Build a mountain with the terrerra tool, and put the observatory on the top

  7. Ana Margarida Modesto Says:

    Loved the episode. But that thumbnail is so derpy xP

  8. Thebaluganator Says:

    X, are all you custom building balanced like the 1 by 4 parks? They seem
    kinda op

  9. Zac Howard Says:

    +xisumavoid you would probably get another 100,000 trees if you went over
    all of the roads and houses.

  10. Samuel Roque Says:

    in my subbox it says the video is 43:43, but the video says 28:58 O.o

  11. Isaac Evans Says:

    Great place for the space elevator would be right in the center of the
    commercial hub, not just because of tourism, but because it’d look cool.
    Also, you could reserve a portion of the map for you to use the
    Terraforming tools on, make some canyons. jagged cliffs, and rough/spiky
    areas and call it “The Waste-Lands”

  12. MasterMachineX Says:

    what do you think about a system where as well as hitting pageup to get the
    roads up in the air, you could hit pagedown to make tunnels? just a cool
    mod idea :-)

  13. Ricardo Vogel Says:

    You could just use tephe terraforming mod…

  14. natzki spionen Says:

    Did you notice that offices don’t like noise? I am not sure, but in my game
    they seem to thrive far away from commercial buildings.

  15. Alexander Nåt Says:

    yay first like 

  16. PiggyBankBurglar Says:

    the dirt roads dont look great. i love everything else but those dirt roads
    dont fit with the exspensive buildings. great work X

  17. PatrickTitanic Says:

    X, maybe you can do a big area, with like a lot of tourist attractions and
    things, or do a place with an airport, a harbor, and a train, so goods are
    shipped like there’s no tommorow. Put those in like the center of a TON of
    industrial area, then you get a ton of goods! One thing with not having
    enough worker though. I diddent have the wanted amount of workers, and my
    shopping center crashed. They ran out of goods to sell. And you also want
    to make a smaller layout, so your services cover the whole area. But, make
    it big enough so your services can reach the mass of your roads. I think
    you can also, do a massive area with just monuments. Like AFK for like 10
    hours, then place down the monuments. But you need to also expand your
    residential, and more jobs make the demand of residential go up. So like I
    was saying, that industrial area I was talking about would be useful. I
    also want to say, your an amazing youtuber, and I don’t think you get
    enough credit for what you do. I really can’t believe how long I’ve been
    typing on my iPad, my hands kinda hurt. But thanks for all the videos, and
    all your time and life you put into youtube, and all of us (viewers) so

    That’s all I know about city’s skylines, so good luck.
    Also I think your city is Awesome so thanks!
    But I really can’t think of words that states how great full I am for you
    to be here. If I diddent have you, my world would be really bad. (Not MC or
    CS I mean RL) you helped me get through almost divorce and my dad having
    brain surgery, and my grandma dying, so thank you SO SO SO much, and keep
    up the amazing work

  18. Grey Hand Says:

    ‘Lake Love’ looks like a ballsack.

  19. julian maurice Says:

    You have the best city out of all the Cities:skyline playthroughs. I really
    would have thought there would be some pros building massive cities like
    yours but its really only a tiny bunch.
    So thanks for the cool videos. Really enjoy watching these.

  20. ZbieraczBurz Says:

    Year 2114 without flying cars, flying skateboards :/

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