Cities Skylines 05 University

Cities Skylines 05 UniversityCities Skylines Playlist â-» Cities Skylines is a city building simulator game! Its like Sim City but better! In this…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Mar 8th, 2015

20 Responses to “Cities Skylines 05 University”

  1. Thomas Bewell Says:

    Your river is very polluted

  2. CelmorSmith Says:

    16:00 I would have made the outer half-circle road around the university
    Also it looks great at the end.
    3:00 Mistake with the one-way road.
    – Streets that have trees on that help with noise pollution, trees on their
    on don’t (kinda illogical but that’s the way the game works).
    PS: I would love if there were natural events like e.g. a thunderstorm so
    if you use over-land electricity lines lightning could strike on them so an
    upgrade to underground lines (if they exist) are worth it (also they take
    up less space that way).

  3. Chan Sheung Long Says:

    Nice game play X, really love it, but not being able to access the game now
    make me feel sad (lol)

  4. darcipeeps Says:

    I really love Xisuma’s CSL play-though more than any others I’ve checked
    out. Does anyone have another YouTuber that they enjoy watching so I can
    learn more before the release? And Xisuma or anyone else, what version of
    CSL is he playing? Regular or deluxe because I want to pre-order. Keep on

  5. whoeveriam0iam14222 Says:

    can you stop it with the “2000 likes or I stop being a Youtuber” stuff?
    it’s fine to remind people of that like button. it is fine to mention that
    it helps you
    it’s really weird to say “give me this many likes or I will not make
    another video”

  6. Ray K Says:

    Holy guacamole those roads are amazing

  7. Haedor Says:

    +xisumavoid would you recommend this game to beginners? i just started
    playing tropic 4 and play sim city a while ago but im by far not as good as
    you in designing citíes :D

  8. xisumavoid Says:
  9. Robert Kidd Says:

    glad you enjoy this game but really not to interested in watching you play
    it, like watching paint dry really

  10. TheRunners06 Says:

    Hey Xisuma! Loving the new series. But, it seems you put that last on-ramp
    to the main highway going in the wrong direction again. Silly Xisuma XD

  11. Banzai B Says:

    mistake at 3:00 look at the arrows ;) wrong way.

  12. Alexander Nåt Says:


  13. SteelyPlays Says:

    Love how consistently you are churning these out. Can’t wait to get the
    game now 

  14. MallowTheCloud Says:

    Gahhhh you’ve gotta be more careful with those one-way roads. You can’t
    just draw them whichever direction is most convenient–the direction you
    draw them is the direction the traffic flows.

    Your “correction” to the intersection near the beginning of the episode
    needs to be seriously fixed. The side of the main road going away from the
    river, you drew the one way roads backwards, forcing the cars to make
    awkward, sharp turns (remember, you have it set to right-side driving).
    Worse, on the other side of the intersection, you’ve drawn both one-way
    roads going towards the bridged-road, so cars have no way of getting back
    from the bridged-road to the main road going that direction.

  15. christian skovby Says:

    1:07 “my cat was just saved by a smoke detector” lol

  16. Sander Kamp Says:

    Love it X! Your road problem reminds me of an old math problem we had to
    solve. What if two roads pass over/underneath each other, and you had to
    connect them together without disturbing the traffic flow? Turns out to be
    a solution that already exists: the cloverleaf. I think that’s what you
    need for the ultimate crossroads.

  17. Dragonfire 913 Says:

    this game comes out on my b-day!
    <– Mr. Big Nose

  18. Sub Sub Says:

    Please could you do something unique with your series because a lot of
    people are playing this so I would prefer if you did something different. I
    understand you are still ‘learning’ and you have just started but I
    wondered if you could do something unusual. :D

  19. James Rogers Says:

    Why does it say gullible in the description :D

  20. duisjfuds dinges Says:

    make your city empty and call it ‘XisumaVOID’ XD

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