Captive Minecraft #20 – THE END!

Captive Minecraft #20 - THE END!Missed an episode of this series? Click here to view all the episodes of CAPTIVE MINECRAFT – ➸ Facebook:…

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Filed under BrenyBeast : Comments (20) : Sep 6th, 2014

20 Responses to “Captive Minecraft #20 – THE END!”

  1. Dalton Miller Says:


    Breny, I don’t know if you already know, but in the new
    update, repairing stuff costs only like 1-5 xp, and a diamond to repair
    anything diamond, iron to repair anything iron, another bow to repair a
    bow, and so on. So, in your hardcore, no more making new armor! ever! just
    make a god set, like port 4, unbreaking 3, aqua infinity, respiration,
    thorns, you know, a god set of everything, and then you’ll never have to
    make new armor or tools or weapons again!
    Anyways, I’m just making sure you know, if u didn’t already. ;)

  2. Absorb Says:


  3. HarjotSaywhaa Says:

    *stand.on the white quartz at night time and a skeleton will spawn 50
    blocks away however you have to one shot him* thumbs up so he sees daymm

  4. prestonbest Says:


  5. Doomagedon Says:

    Hey Breny, can you make a gaming setup video please? I would love to see
    your setup!

  6. SoRebelBro Says:

    Frends r amasin

  7. TheShyAussie Says:

    Dude, that Red End with all the particles flying around, was kind of pretty

  8. WM2869 Says:

    The quartz block spawns in a skeleton for the 50 block challenge, I think 

  9. BlueKoala1999 Says:

    Great video, Breny! If you go on top of one of the mountain bits at the top
    of the map (dont think I explained that very well- the one above the water
    pool) there is a quartz block that makes a skeleton spawn 50 blocks away
    outside the border. :) hope this helps.

  10. BrenyBeast - Minecraft Says:

    Enjoy my friends! :D

  11. Billy MacKay Says:

    Red end

  12. USSRoulette Says:

    Breny I could be wrong but I counted about 29 blocks from one side to the
    other. Dunno if the sniper challenge is possible unless you shot down.

    Also why do you always leave the XP from the dragon?

  13. SamurotTris Says:

    I’m not entirely sure, but to get the sniper duel achievement, you need to
    get up on top of the ridge of the canyon at the top (the wall type thing
    all around the spawn area). I think that a skeleton spawns a distance away
    from there but I don’t know for sure.

  14. gino hill Says:


  15. sonic the zelda fan Says:

    Hey Breny, the smite sword is actually better in single player because
    smite is an enchantment that does more damage to undead mobs than
    sharpness. Sadly, you can’t get both enchantments in one sword at the same
    time. Undead mobs are:

    Skeletons, zombies, pigman, blazes, ghasts, magma cubes, wither skeletons
    and the wither

    Sharpness, on the other way, affects:

    Enderman, creepers… and thats it. The dragon is irrelevant now.

    The other one, bane of arthropodes, affects:

    Silverfish, spiders, cave spiders and endermites.

    As you see, the smite enchantment is better in this situation.

  16. SwabsterSlasher Says:


  17. brandonrulz2541 Says:

    Hey Breny, maybe this will help you do the hunter achievement…But maybe
    place 50 blocks away from the skeleton spawner and then shoot them from the
    50th block you placed?

  18. webkinzhamster571 Says:

    “RED END”
    Keep the great vids coming!

  19. BlackSpy BeastAFK Says:

    shoot the skeleton from the surface to the bottom

  20. DJ KLEEN Says:

    I love you Breny, I just dislike simburbia, like serious hate it. But I’ll
    still watch it for you <3

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