Hermitcraft III 322 Wither Farm Construction

Hermitcraft III 322 Wither Farm ConstructionHermitcraft III Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKj1ks9-Q941E_LVUKEFermz This episode we start construction of the farm! Snocrash …

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Jan 21st, 2015

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft III 322 Wither Farm Construction”

  1. GlassMarbles Says:

    14:48 You said that the pigman spawned on the hoppers, however starting
    from 14:25 you can clearly see the pigman pathfinding up, eventually with
    you pushing it up.

  2. Zaphod Trillian Says:

    You’re the S1ipg8r of automation and farms – never content to just build
    what you need. If you can envision it on a larger scale, you go at that
    vision full throttle and seemingly without hesitation. Dangerous for
    burnout but it makes your videos and ideas so much more fun to watch and
    your enthusiasm is infectious and inspirational for me to just push further
    at whatever I’m doing simply because I know – I could if I tried and when
    it’s done I’ll be glad I went that far. lol. Thumbs up.

  3. Slothinator123 Says:

    Slip has a sheep farm behind his base, it’s big enough

  4. Ridingx Villain Says:

    why didn’t you used sl1ps sheep farm :P

  5. Anton Mergaerts Says:

    I really love this building X :)

  6. Snocrash Says:

    What a beast of a farm! Thanx for the super shout-out +xisumavoid , it’s
    very much appreciated. 

  7. xisumavoid Says:

    Construction begins!

  8. Deshiba Says:

    I see that you’ve used 5 comparators for each tripwire hook for the
    shifting floor like +Snocrash did. You could have saved on resources by
    replacing 3 of those for repeaters. As all that really matters is the 2:3
    tick ratio with the comparators reading the inventories.

  9. Tommy Østergaard Says:

    i think that sl1g8r have a good sheepfarm :-D

  10. MaxSeinsei Says:

    Xisuma I don’t know what drugs you took, but wow, this episode! :D
    > The time and energy spent on the farm was impressive!
    > The editing in this video weirdly seems much better than usual Oo You
    nicely alternated talking, building, time-lapsting, voice-over stuff, …
    Anyway, bravo :D
    Loved it, as always.

  11. Notorious Shark Says:

    Great job Xisuma! alot of work put into this episode! Thanks for your hard
    work mate. :)

  12. Shay Barsanti Says:

    Why did Xisuma take down the other video he uploaded? Was it meant to be
    uploaded another day!

  13. KirkinsteinMC Says:

    well it’s not going to be overkill, overkill as the wither skulls will be
    used by a lot of people, I suppose that it would be overkill in a sense but
    a lot of people tend to use beacons in their bases and such, cool build tho

  14. TheNirl Says:

    Jesus, X, how much time did you put into this episode?

  15. Sl1pg8r - Minecraft, Mods, and MOAR! Says:

    So kewl! Looks awesome X! Also, that jump at the end! LOL! 

  16. Andrew Gonzoles Says:

    Xisumavoid: is farm took 45 hours
    Me (at least in my head): starts slow clapping

    Xisumavoid, thank you to being so dedicated to your job. I know some
    youtubers who put in a lot less effort and time, but they produce the same
    amount of videos as you. In my mind, your videos are among the highest tier
    of minecraft videos on YouTube. I love your time lapses. I know that you
    probably aren’t reading this because it is posted late, but this video was
    great especially. Thank you for your time and effort.

  17. Magnus Justesen Says:

    1. Wither Wounder
    2.Wither’s Wonder
    3.Withering Wither
    4.Wither Washer
    5.Read the others:D

  18. teodor Says:

    Omg xisuma when i saw how much gathering you did and all the materials..i
    just needed to like your video..anybody feels the same?

  19. Oscar Floyd Says:

    The only name that kept reappearing in my mind is “Hade’s Discount Wither
    What an impressive build!
    That Time-lapse music reminded me of Runescape in a way…

  20. TransforGaming Says:

    Xisuma you said you only need an 8 by 8 box for the spawner but that has
    been changed in 1.8! It’s now 9 by 9 so there’s a middle block, which is
    the spawner

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