Simcity Simtastic4 – 25 Lets Mine

Simcity Simtastic4 - 25 Lets MineThe Simtastic 4 Biffa Docm Keralis Xisuma http:/…

Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 22nd, 2013

20 Responses to “Simcity Simtastic4 – 25 Lets Mine”

  1. xisumavoid Says:

    good idea!

  2. videogameforkid Says:

    Change you roads back they look terrible.

  3. colchesterpete2 Says:

    Have you solved the traffic problem?

  4. xisumavoid Says:

    Really? always wonderd what effect they had

  5. sayaks12 Says:

    have you tried playing simcity? it’s broken and co-operative play doesn’t work properly.

  6. iGourry Says:

    For the whole video I’ve been watching that one little truck going in circles on that piece of secluded avenue…

  7. scmguy11 Says:

    Not true at all. I have played with others. Just some examples don’t all pick every city upgrade. They cost money to run. Each pick one as needed. Become the trash and recycling city. Send your trucks to other cities. Let your sims commute to work in other city industry and maintain only commercial in your city. It works but you have to plan it and manage it.

  8. AngusGaming Says:


  9. SherlockGuitar Says:

    Long “O” sound for Plateau

  10. Flaredimension Says:

    The iron ore deposit you put your mine on will last 19 months

  11. onbekende07 Says:

    Think its better to put your hospital (all services) on the short cross-roads, your vehikels always go with the flow and as such they can sooner get to a crossroad to change there direction (see the green coverage area for the clinic at 11.20). Also is it me or does the advisor for the mining operation look like Tatcher, irony!

  12. LukeMcBrick Says:

    That’s one of the many annoying things with this game. As apposed with SimCity 4, the green zone was the coverage of the entire facility, and anyone outside that coverage would find it difficult to be in this facility. (Keep in mind, a SimCity 4 hospital covers a range twice as large the SimCity 5’s entire plot) The green highlight doesn’t really mean much at all. Maybe its just a proximity thing, but if your clinic is on the opposite corner of residential on your plot, they will still travel.

  13. xisumavoid Says:

    Its improved but traffic is always a problem

  14. sayaks12 Says:


  15. xisumavoid Says:

    you can keep it :-)

  16. MrHboss007 Says:

    Why does the mining woman look like Margret Thatcher?

  17. 3sesWR3 Says:

    Great series, keep it up. Favourite SimCity LP’er. Learning loads, I’ll put it all into practice someday!

  18. LocalChamp9139 Says:

    When you clicked on the Ore Mine it said “Raw Ore Under Building: 19 month supply”.

  19. AznL0rd1 Says:

    I’ve never played Simcity before, so I don’t know how much of what I say is true or makes sense, but I’ve noticed for the past few videos that when you are working on community structures like clinics, police stations, etc., there’s a green highlight on the roads that fades the farther away you get from that particular station. Does that mean that each station has a specific range of working? In other words, any residents outside of that range will not receive the benefits of that structure?

  20. TheDanishProject Leth-Kjær Says:

    I played my first city on that plot. Omg!!!

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