★ Minecraft Simburbia Let’s Play #5 ★ | YOU NAME THE CITY! – Minecraft 1.8 (Sims, Sim City)

★ Minecraft Simburbia Let's Play #5 ★ | YOU NAME THE CITY! - Minecraft 1.8 (Sims, Sim City)What do we name our city!? Vote here: http://strawpoll.me/2526285 Simburbia! Create and manage your own city in Minecraft!!! It’s like Sim City but with quests, secrets, customization, and…

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Filed under MinecraftUniverse : Comments (20) : Sep 9th, 2014

20 Responses to “★ Minecraft Simburbia Let’s Play #5 ★ | YOU NAME THE CITY! – Minecraft 1.8 (Sims, Sim City)”

  1. jason probst Says:


  2. Avinto Says:

    For the monument…

    If the town is named Jeffeyville, you should create a pig.

    If the town is named Univercity, you should create a star.

    If the town is named Blockington, you should create a giant diamond block.

  3. Chibiteratsu Says:

    I vote for UniverCity

  4. Tenderlee Griffin Says:

    Build the Ifle Tower please!

  5. Morgan Nunya Says:

    do attackofthegiantsville

  6. SeanPlaysMC Says:

    Love this series! Keep it up Jason!

  7. BigBirdplaysMC Says:

    y not Dillon land?

  8. TheMCMiner Says:

    MU Make A Monument Of A Pig With A Saddle With A Mini TrueMU on the back
    with a carrot on a stick! This is only if jeffreyville wins!! Pls do this i
    know it would take a while but pls pls pls do it, i promise every time you
    look at your town hall you will see the epic monument right beside it!!!
    This would be epic!!!

  9. NTR Says:

    Make a statue of yourself and Jeffrey!

  10. DRG Gaming Says:

    wait what about jeffry universe come on that should deathanly be the name 

  11. Jigarbov Says:

    Glad you’re going to be taking the time to build something! Too often I’ve
    seen players just ignore it, but I think it’s a great way to add some
    personality to your town. Your city is doing well well :)

  12. NinjaMay Says:

    Plz jason your the best

  13. Jonas johnsen Says:

    Wow man u looking fine (no homo)

  14. Alex Baldwin Says:

    Use a chest on the monument to get what you want

  15. Kaitlyn Devlin Says:

    Moontown or starcity

  16. Minecraft Universe Says:

    Vote in the description!!!

  17. JoeTheMonk Says:

    Jason do a video with sky :3

  18. ashplays slimecraft Says:

    Jason there is a dump you can build and you can rid of any item you don’t
    want or need and it gives you ample amounts of money

  19. Rainbow Dash Says:

    build a statue of you wielding a sword

  20. noproblem728 Says:

    Name the town dillonsburg or Dylansburg however u spell it and also make a
    pixel art of megaman or kirby

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