Posts Tagged ‘video’
UNTURNED MULTIPLAYER w/GenerikB – E10 “Desert Humvee!”
Leave a LIKE for more UNTURNED co-op with GenerikB! In this episode, we gas-up a desert tan Humvee and take it out for a spin! First we check a player-made tower and then head to Burywood!…
Tags: 3d, access, action, bunke, dayz, early, game, gameplay, games, gaming, guide, paulsoaresjr, pc, sandbox, steam, survival, unturned, video, zombie
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Aug 10th, 2014
Craft the World | E26 | Elf Arrows and Angry Birds!
Let’s play Craft the World! In this episode, our dwarven smiths practice the craft of making silver weapons and tools! They also catch an angry bird and place it in the new lounge! Please…
Tags: access, craft, drive, dwarf, early, fo, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, paulsoaresjr, pc, steam, test, the, video, world
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Aug 10th, 2014
Mario Kart Item Boxes in Vanilla Minecaft WITHOUT MODS
MARIO KART ITEM BOXES WITHOUT MODS!! SUBSCRIBE ITS FREE! Can we hit “500 LIKES” for more! Directors Channel: Minecraftdotnet…
Tags: boxes, boxs, game, in, kart, ma, mario, mariokart, minecraft, minecraftdotnet, mod, mods, series, themodspotlight, video, without
Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET :
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Aug 6th, 2014
UNTURNED MULTIPLAYER w/GenerikB – E08 “Bunking Down!
Leave a LIKE for more UNTURNED co-op with GenerikB! In this episode, we claim the bunker and move in by adding chests and bedrolls! GenerikB: Unturned is…
Tags: 3d, access, action, bunke, dayz, early, game, gameplay, games, gaming, guide, paulsoaresjr, pc, sandbox, steam, survival, unturned, video, zombie
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Aug 6th, 2014
UNTURNED MULTIPLAYER w/GenerikB – E09 “Ghillie Suit!”
Leave a LIKE for more UNTURNED co-op with GenerikB! In this episode, we put on our new ghillie suits and raid O’Leary Military base where we find a massive zombie horde waiting for us! GenerikB:…
Tags: 3d, access, action, bunke, dayz, early, game, gameplay, games, gaming, guide, paulsoaresjr, pc, sandbox, steam, survival, unturned, video, zombie
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Aug 6th, 2014
Minecraft 1.8 Parkour | WE HATE PUMPKINS! – Parkour Rave Pt. 1!
Let’s see if we can get 3000 Likes!!! Tyler and Jason take on an awesome 1.8 Parkour map called Parkour Rave played on one of the newest snapshots! â-»CHECK OUT MY SHIRTS!â–… US:…
Tags: freerun, game, map, minecraft, park, parkour, race, rave, vi, video
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Aug 6th, 2014
Minecraft 1.8 Parkour | (KLÜB) ICE PARKOUR! – Parkour Rave Pt. 2!
Let’s see if we can get 3000 Likes!!! Tyler and Jason take on an awesome 1.8 Parkour map called Parkour Rave played on one of the newest snapshots! â-»CHECK OUT MY SHIRTS!â–… US:…
Tags: freerun, game, map, minecraft, park, parkour, race, rave, vi, video
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Aug 6th, 2014
REALISTIC TRUEMU! – Minecraft Universe Speedart by Rushlight Invader!
Checkout Rushlight Invader’s channel for other great Artworks! â-»and his gaming channel! â-»Song used is…
Tags: art, gam, game, minecraft, minecraftuniverse, realistic, speedart, video
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Aug 6th, 2014
Minecraft TerraFirmaCraft #27: Iron Madness
Minecraft survival mod. In this Minecraft episode we get the crops in for the year, do some cooking and other things around the place, and then head out to look for an iron deposit. TerraFirmaCraf…
Tags: alloy, building, charcoal, chisel, clay, farming, forge, game, house, leather, metal, minecraft, mining, mod, quern, terrafirmacraft, trap, video
Filed under EthosLab :
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Aug 6th, 2014
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 357: Bunny Troubles
Minecraft survival. In this Minecraft episode we fix a zombie spawning issue with the gold farm and then try to get some bunnies. Twitter: TwitchTV: http://www.twitch…
Tags: craft, creeper, etho, ethos, ethoslab, game, guide, lets, lp, map, mine, minecraft, play, player, skeleton, tour, tutorial, video, world, xbox, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Aug 6th, 2014