Posts Tagged ‘tips’
Minecraft Adventure E20 “Absentminded” (Game-play/Commentary)
Join my community (forums and chat!) @ Minecraft 1.2 survival adventure from First Spawn to the End Realm to kill a dragon (and everything in between)! Map seed -9163732742174692212 Time lapse song is “Power Juice” by PacDV @ WEB: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here:
Tags: 12, adventure, and, commentary, gameplay, gaming, minecraft, paulsoaresjr, pc, punchwood, survival, survive, thrive, tips
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Jun 8th, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 185: Grass Paths
Today we do a few quick and random projects around the man cave to improve things some more. World Download (184):
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mini, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, silverfish, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, storage, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Jun 7th, 2012
Minecraft Adventure E19 “Village Raid (again)” (Game-play/Commentary)
Join my community (forums and chat!) @ Minecraft 1.2 survival adventure from First Spawn to the End Realm to kill a dragon (and everything in between)! Map seed -9163732742174692212 Time lapse song is “Power Juice” by PacDV @ WEB: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here:
Tags: 12, adventure, and, commentary, gameplay, gaming, minecraft, paulsoaresjr, pc, punchwood, survival, survive, thrive, tips
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Jun 7th, 2012
Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 19: Project Planning
MindCrack is a server Guude started in late 2010. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications. More work on the dual blaze spawners. Today we try to figure out the walkways and how to connect everything together with this project.
Tags: baj, base, bdoubleo, beef, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, docm, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, guude, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mind, mindcrack, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nebris, notch, pause, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Jun 5th, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 184: Chatting About 1.3
I was in a chatty mood today. A new world download is finally available! World Download (184):
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mini, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, silverfish, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, storage, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Jun 3rd, 2012
Discuss this snapshot @! Test drive of Minecraft Weekly Snapshot 12w22a including: tripwires, jungle ruins, adventure mode (not finished!), earn XP for mining and smelting, more villager trading options, and more Get the Minecraft snapshot update here: WEB: TWITTER FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here:
Tags: &, 12w22a, adventure, commentary, dad, drive, game, gameplay, gaming, guide, jungle, minecraft, mode, multiplayer, paulsoaresjr, playthrough, ruins, server, smp, snapshot, survival, test, tips, trading, tricks, tripwires, tutorial, video, villager, walk-through, walkthru, walthrough, weekly
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Jun 1st, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 183: Sprinkler System
Today we continue work on the crazy sheep farm. *waves bye-bye to redstone* A new world download will come soon, so please be patient. World Download (167):
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mini, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, silverfish, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, storage, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Jun 1st, 2012
Minecraft – Tutorial: Hyper Spawners
This video shows several methods for spawning large amounts of mobs in a way that has a lot of control and is easy to build.
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, gps, grinder, guide, home, house, hyper, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, notch, play, player, position, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, sensor, single, skeleton, spawner, spawners, spider, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, tracking, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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May 31st, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 182: Pop-Up Sheep Farm
1 hour episode! I hope you guys like this new sheep farm design I came up with. World Download (167):
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mini, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, silverfish, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, storage, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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May 29th, 2012
Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 18: Crazy Stairs
MindCrack is a server Guude started in late 2010. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications.
Tags: baj, base, bdoubleo, beef, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, docm, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, guude, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mind, mindcrack, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nebris, notch, pause, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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May 27th, 2012