Posts Tagged ‘gaming’
Minecraft Lord of the Rings E07 “Gundabad Orcs!” (Silly Role-play Adventure)
Minecraft Lord of the Rings mod role-play adventure! In this episode, Sir Punchwood and Odo enter the wild Far Downs where Gundabad orcs prowl amongst the ancient ruins of Arnor at night! …
Tags: commentary, creatures, game, gameplay, gaming, minecraf, minecraft, mo, mod, paulsoaresjr, playthrough, role-play, survival, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Oct 24th, 2014
Craft the World | E31 | The Big Picture!
Let’s play Craft the World! In this episode, we step back and take a look at the Big Picture and determine a course of action for our dwarves’ future! Please leave a LIKE if you enjoyed the…
Tags: access, craft, drive, dwarf, early, fo, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, paulsoaresjr, pc, steam, test, the, video, world
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Oct 24th, 2014
The Escapists | S2E07 “Taming Bruce!” | POW Day 7
Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, we make Bruce our lap-dog so we can start digging escape tunnel “Dick” without him snitching us out to the goons! Follow me on Steam!…
Tags: access, action, early, escapists, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, paulsoaresjr, pc, prison, real, s, sim, steam, time, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Oct 23rd, 2014
Minecraft Mods | ORE TREES MOD! (Farm, Grow, and Harvest Ores) Minecraft Mod Showcase
LET’S SEE IF WE CAN GET 1500 LIKES for more Mod Reviews! â-»Watch the Overpowered Weapons Mod: â-»CHECK OUT MY SHIRTS!â–… US: …
Tags: (industry), commentary, fun, funny, game, gamer, games, gaming, jason, minecraft, minecraftuniverse, serve, truemu, universe, video
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Oct 22nd, 2014
Starbound Nightly – The New Outpost Village!
Let’s play Starbound “Nightly” build (Oct 20)! In this episode, we go deep to find Core Fragments needed to repair our ship and then fly to an Outpost, which will be your “newbie town” for…
Tags: 2d, co-op, commentary, gameplay, gaming, multiplayer, paulsoaresjr, pc, platformer, playthrough, retro, scroller, secrets, side, steam, tips, tutorial
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Oct 22nd, 2014
Costume Quest 2 | E04 | Candy Snatcher! (Gameplay / Playthrough / 1080p)
Let’s play Costume Quest 2! In this episode, we chase down Orel to get Li’l Bones’ candy back so we can use his boat! Follow me on Steam! Full Playlist:…
Tags: 2, access, action, adventure, back, costume, doublefine, early, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, paulsoaresjr, pc, quest, rpg, steam, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Oct 22nd, 2014
Salt | E10 “The Pardon Pusher Ship!” (Gameplay / Playthrough)
Let’s play SALT the game (early access)! In this episode, we hunt down the three remaining pirate captain bosses for their Pardon Pusher boat pieces! We use BOMBS and POISON to get what we…
Tags: 3d, access, action, early, game, gameplay, gaming, indie, lavaboots, ocean, paulsoaresjr, pc, salt, sandbox, steam, surv, the, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Oct 21st, 2014
The Escapists | S2E06 “CODE RED!!” | POW Day 6
Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, Punchwood gets ready to work on his escape tunnel at night but his roommate Bruce rats him him out when he sees the hole! Follow me on Steam! http://bit….
Tags: access, action, early, escapists, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, paulsoaresjr, pc, prison, real, s, sim, steam, time, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Oct 21st, 2014
Costume Quest 2 | E03 | French Quarter! (Gameplay / Playthrough / 1080p)
Let’s play Costume Quest 2! In this episode, we wheelie to the French Quarter for more trick-or-treating and pick up some new quests along the way! Follow me on Steam!…
Tags: 2, access, action, adventure, back, costume, doublefine, early, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, paulsoaresjr, pc, quest, rpg, steam, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Oct 20th, 2014
The Escapists | S2E05 “Gardening Trowels!” | POW Day 5
Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, Punchwood gets the gardening job to steal trowels but discovers a nasty surprise! Follow me on Steam! Full Playlist:…
Tags: access, action, early, escapists, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, paulsoaresjr, pc, prison, real, s, sim, steam, time, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Oct 19th, 2014