Posts Tagged ‘epic’
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 96
A fresh new lp episode! I show off a few things and ask my viewers their opinions then I grab a few materials and head down to my secret lab and begin working on the lobby area and security system.
Tags: 100, 19, 3x3, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spawner, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, triple, vault, village, villager, well, wiring
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 97
Continuation of the last episode where i continue to work on the security check point/lobby of my secret underground laboratory! Savefile has been updated. My Blog/Forums My texture pack Smp sign-up page Save File
Tags: 100, 19, 3x3, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spawner, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, triple, vault, village, villager, well, wiring
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 98
In this video I notice I’m out of food so I decide to build a melon farm! nothing fancy or automatic, just enough to get by, while still looking good. My Blog/Forums My texture pack Smp sign-up page Save File
Tags: 100, 19, 3x3, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spawner, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, triple, vault, village, villager, well, wiring
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 99
In this episode I decide to finally make an xp farm out of the blaze spawner I found in the nether! Its a long process but its totally worth it in the end. Etho’s Tutorial My Blog/Forums My texture pack http Smp sign-up page
Tags: 10, 11, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 100
Continuing the last episode, I work on the wiring and fine tuning of the blaze farm. It gets a bit messy and glitchy so I have to rework the wiring a bit and fine tune things Also, happy 100th episode everyone! I wanted to do an hour long episode but my editor couldn’t seem to handle it. My Blog/Forums My texture pack http Smp sign-up page
Tags: 10, 11, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 101
I finish up my blaze experience farm in this episode, it took a while but the end results are -well- worth it. My Blog/Forums My texture pack http Smp sign-up page
Tags: 10, 11, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Redstone Wars! – Tyken132 vs Generikb Epic Farms! p1
I heard about Generikb’s redstone wars and thought it would be interesting to test my skills so I challenged him to a duel! The theme was chosen from the many suggested by our fans by none other than Ethoslab himself! He chose “Epic Farms”, Which I feel gave me a huge advantage since I already had a few advanced designs in mind for my secret lab. Don’t forget to check out his channel as well so you can see how badly he does against me! Generikb’s Channel My texture pack
Tags: automatic, competition, contest, designs, epic, farming, farms, generikb, guide, how, melon, minecraft, mojang, pistons, pumpkin, redstone, simple, to, tutorial, tyken132, wars, wheat
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Redstone Wars! – Tyken132 vs Generikb Epic Farms! p2
Second part of the Redstone Wars! between me and Generikb featuring “epic farm designs”, suggested by our fans and chosen by none other than Ethoslab himself! Generikb’s Channel My texture pack
Tags: automatic, competition, contest, designs, epic, farming, farms, generikb, guide, how, melon, minecraft, mojang, pistons, pumpkin, redstone, simple, to, tutorial, tyken132, wars, wheat
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 102
In this episode I show of my blaze spawner in full action! showing a few modifications and improvements I made as well as starting work on a few mini-stations I wanted close by for the blaze xp farm. My Blog/Forums My texture pack http Smp sign-up page
Tags: 10, 11, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 103
In this episode I get to level 50, finish my enchanting room and test it out, then work on a small alchemy lab and try to plan out a netherrack farm. I begin work on my secret lab next episode. My texture pack Smp sign-up page
Tags: 10, 11, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012