XCOM E10 “Panic Attack” (1080 HD Gameplay)

XCOM E10 Check out the fan fiction from the XCom soldiers! bit.ly Playthrough of XCom Enemy Unknown on Classic Ironman (no reloading from saves) where FANS get to play the part of the soldiers and write up fan fiction (link above). ESRB Warning: This title is rated “M” for Mature Audiences XCOM website: www.xcom.com WEB www.punchwood.com TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com

Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Oct 25th, 2012

20 Responses to “XCOM E10 “Panic Attack” (1080 HD Gameplay)”

  1. rengar288 Says:

    Paul I am a new subscriber, could you mind speeding up the pace of the game a little? Thanks :

  2. Peter BSander Says:


  3. VanillaDollxxx Says:

    wow for a moment I thought we would have one of these disaster missions where everything goes to hell in a turn. Good job on keeping it together!

  4. Dark1942 Says:

    Paul, i was one of your first subscribers, i remember the times i used to watch your tutorials which helped me a lot to learn how to play Minecraft, i really like your videos! i just wanted to say.. well, i know you like Minecraft, but.. i don’t know, i get the feeling that this game fits you much more than Minecraft, i don’t know, it’s just the feeling i get, you’re an amazing person, please continue making videos, your fans love you :)

  5. mordyth101 Says:

    That was brilliant, love your work

  6. oxhawk2000 Says:

    Didn anyone else notice hat Paul did an astounding job then ckngratulated his team for it instead of gloating? Haha. Paul, for the win

  7. Paul Magnin Says:

    Do at least a mission per episode next time

  8. Frederik Hesseldahl Havemann Says:

    Pretty sure panic makes your units erratic, so they might do anything…

  9. deck776 Says:

    Who panic shoots their own teammate?

  10. Teofil Raicu Says:

    paul careful its a bug with the game the headshot is in fact 12% less accurate

  11. nafets147 Says:


  12. crocket1338 Says:

    Paul,every time when the camera moves around the soldier you order to shoot, that’s definitely a kill

  13. sijen143 Says:

    Have you played the old Fallout games? 1 and 2?

  14. slytherite Says:

    Ya totally, either the players are rushing in the games, or they play the video at high speed so it looks like they on speed…I may be impatient at times, but that’s mainly in RL, i have more patience in the virtual world…lol

  15. masktail Says:

    You also tried to use the Heavy’s rockets after his move, and he has to not move in the turn for rockets.

  16. skyalkemade1 Says:

    I love you paul…..

  17. Jim Kyriakou Says:

    when u want to heal someone it is better to move the wounded soldier first towards the medic. Also, spotting enemies with your frontal soldier should make you draw him back but not before you attack the enemies with your snipers via the frontal warrior’s vision! Then u can retreat him! :)
    been playing silent storm and jagged alliance for ages… :P

  18. tobytse99 Says:

    In normal, panic actually make soldiers shoot the aliens.
    In classic, panic make soldiers shoot each other?
    I am not sure if I want to get this game anymore… it’s too scary.

  19. Simon Hong Says:

    You need to capture the overseer to proceed with the main story line.

  20. Teofil Raicu Says:

    u can capture it, and u will have to in a future mission

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