TNT Cannon Science Part I

TNT Cannon Science Part IFind more Minecraft Addict Videos at r/minecraftaddict:

Filed under Minecraftaddict : Comments (10) : Jan 17th, 2013

10 Responses to “TNT Cannon Science Part I”

  1. Zoshi235 Says:

    you probably want to test each cannon several times to get a more accurate average. Then if you go with CR0SBO’s idea you could launch sand from the same spots.

  2. PseudoKnight Says:

    This is very useful information. You should post the rough distances for each cannon type.

    While I like the gravel for visual demonstration, a primed TNT entity will play out a little different. It also allows you to experiment with different support blocks like ladders, slabs, and fence posts — all of which change the trajectory of the TNT.

  3. mcKrawll Says:

    Did you notice that you blew up obsidian?

  4. Minecraftaddict Says:

    Working on that now. :P

  5. EpicGamerBot Says:


  6. CR0SBO Says:

    Do the same test, but with the TNT all falling into the same place. Then how about testing the differences between these results with the ones from this video?

  7. Dentarthurdent54 Says:

    You have to do more tests to get a good idea of average distance!

  8. mcKrawll Says:

    Ah, Just noticed. You can however blow up obsidian in the new snap shot though. :) That’s why I mentioned it. Check out Sancarn. hes got a video on it.

  9. UnknownEleven Says:

    He didnt. He built the cannon on sandstone, the “barrel” made of obsidian didnt blow up obviously.

  10. Joshua Preston Says:

    y  u no more popular

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