Posts Tagged ‘water’
Red3yz’ Minecraft LP Ep.22 – Zombies and Nether Base Upgrades
Shortcuts below /// Just playing some minecraft 0:00 Intro 1:10 Zombie sun avoiding test 8:48 Sand digging 10:35 Ride on the nether rail 12:15 Nether base redstone stuff – rail 15:17 Story of the floating mushroom 17:51 More redstone stuff – farm – gates – rail 22:54 Starting a new enchanting room 25:50 Harvesting pistons from the arena 27:28 Shoutouts/Congratulations :) 29:00 Leveling up like a boss 31:21 Enchanting a bow – testing it out
Tags: 23, block, bow, corrupted, diamond, ed, edit, enchant, episode, farm, floating, gate, ghast, lets, lp, map, mcedit, melon, minecraft, mob, mobavator, mushroom, music, part, pigman, play, rail, red3yz, redstone, sand, shade, shovel, skeleton, spawner, sunlight, swapper, table, test, torch, tracking, water, zombie
Filed under Red3yz :
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Feb 17th, 2012
Red3yz’ LP Ep.23 – Slime XP Farm – Minecraft
Shortcuts below /// Overview of All-in-one Slime XP Farm and some mucking about. Xp farm will be revisited but currently the redstone is still being perfected. 0:00 Intro, thanks to Mr Artholones 1:12 Improved gate 2:31 Freaky noises in the nether! 7:11 Music – building montage 9:08 Slime farm – pads/canals 11:25 Slime “all-in-one” XP farm – overview 17:33 Area history/tour 19:08 Quad cave spider spawner drop height 20:51 Hunting eggs for new enchanting ritual 22:20 Music – and more waiting for eggs :) 24:10 “building” simple new enchanting ritual 28:40 testing new ritual – enchanting bow intro animation by user/MrArtholones :D help and ideas from: user/Roboticaust (slime info) user/GenerikB (enchanting ritual idea) world download: All music was made by me, and some of the songs used are available at soundcloud/red3yz
Tags: 23, all, bug, burn, canal, crush, egg, enchant, exp, experience, farm, freaky, in, lava, lets, level, lp, minecraft, multi, one, pad, part, piston, play, potion, random, red3yz, series, size, slime, soften, sound, spawn, timer, video, water, xp
Filed under Red3yz :
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Feb 17th, 2012
The Shelter Challenge: Episode 1
Thanks guys for watching! We made up this challenge, so if you are up for it here is the link: TRY TO BEAT THE CHALLENGE WITHOUT CHEATING. Enjoy challenging ♥
Tags: amh0316, animal, austin, block, branson, challenge, challenges, chicken, cow, crafter, crafting, crafts, dingkey, house, incinerator, jason, lava, minecraft, pig, shelter, the, universe, water
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Feb 16th, 2012
The Shelter Challenge – Episode 2
Thanks guys for watching! We made up this challenge, so if you are up for it here is the link: TRY TO BEAT THE CHALLENGE WITHOUT CHEATING. Enjoy challenging ♥
Tags: amh0316, animal, austin, block, branson, challenge, challenges, chicken, cow, crafter, crafting, crafts, dingkey, house, incinerator, jason, lava, minecraft, pig, shelter, the, universe, water
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
Comments (15) :
Feb 16th, 2012
The Shelter Challenge – The Shelter Challenge – Episode 3
Thanks guys for watching! We made up this challenge, so if you are up for it here is the link: TRY TO BEAT THE CHALLENGE WITHOUT CHEATING. Enjoy challenging ♥
Tags: amh0316, animal, austin, block, branson, challenge, challenges, chicken, cow, crafter, crafting, crafts, dingkey, house, incinerator, jason, lava, minecraft, pig, shelter, the, universe, water
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Feb 15th, 2012
Minecraft LP #21 – Monkeyfarm the Gardener
I’m finally starting to add some landscape features to the base. Today, we’ll add a water-feature and a stream/pond at the bottom level of the base. —————————————————————————— Texture Pack: (Customized) John Smith. My ‘How to edit your Minecraft texture pack’ vid has the details/links:
Tags: enchanting, enchantment, features, fortune, lake, lets, minecraft, pickaxe, play, pond, stream, table, water
Filed under monkeyfarm :
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Feb 15th, 2012
The Shelter Challenge: Episode 4
Thanks guys for watching! We made up this challenge, so if you are up for it here is the link: TRY TO BEAT THE CHALLENGE WITHOUT CHEATING. Enjoy challenging ♥
Tags: amh0316, animal, austin, block, branson, challenge, challenges, chicken, cow, crafter, crafting, crafts, dingkey, house, incinerator, jason, lava, minecraft, pig, shelter, the, universe, water
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
Comments (20) :
Feb 15th, 2012
The Shelter Challenge: Episode 5
Thanks guys for watching! We made up this challenge, so if you are up for it here is the link: TRY TO BEAT THE CHALLENGE WITHOUT CHEATING. Enjoy challenging ♥
Tags: amh0316, animal, austin, block, branson, challenge, challenges, chicken, cow, crafter, crafting, crafts, dingkey, house, incinerator, jason, lava, minecraft, pig, shelter, the, universe, water
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Feb 15th, 2012
Minecraft: Diver Mod – Stay Under Water Forever!!!
Mod is found here: Subscribe to our channel: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: TAGS: yt:quality=high minecraft alpha Minecraft Alpha notch spider spiders skeleton skeletons zombie zombies lumber wood coal stone torch torches workbench crafting square pickaxe pick wood wooden stone shelter survival night machinima tutorial how to play craft stuff corythedark15 darkxmedia lets play hause mansion roller coaster awesomeness guide how to tips tricks realm sandbox RPG hunt golden apple Overhang Overdrive antvenom “ep 24″ “episode 24″ Double FAIL
Tags: diver, diving, ever, for, go, hud, minecraft, mod, scuba, suit, swim, swimming, under, underwater, water
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Feb 15th, 2012
Boat Jump – Minecraft LP #27
Making use of the small cave next to the ‘fish bowl’, doesnt every Minecraft world need a boat jump? We’ll make a small one so we can ride a boat out and jump off into the ocean. —————————————————————————– Texture Pack: (Customized) John Smith. My ‘How to edit your Minecraft texture pack’ vid has the details/links:
Tags: boat, boats, craft, eats, jump, jumping, launch, launcher, mine, minecraft, monkeyfarm, ramp, road, rocket, water
Filed under monkeyfarm :
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Feb 14th, 2012