Posts Tagged ‘video’
Minecraft – Tutorial: Automatic Potion Brewing Lab
In this Minecraft tutorial, I show you how to build my fully automatic potion brewing lab. This design uses a trick of having netherwart added last so that it is able to detect when it is done…
Tags: (award-winning, (industry), auto, automatic, brewing, etho, ethoslab, game, minecraft, potion, tutorial, video, work
Filed under EthosLab :
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Sep 6th, 2014
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 364: Poppy Farm
Minecraft survival. In this Minecraft episode we finish up the enderpearl transport stream in the End, and then we build a poppy farm. Twitter: TwitchTV: http://www.t…
Tags: craft, creeper, etho, ethos, ethoslab, game, guide, lets, lp, map, mine, minecraft, play, player, skeleton, tour, tutorial, video, world, xbox, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Sep 6th, 2014
★ Minecraft Mod ★ | ULTRAMAN MOD • (Massive Mobs, Armor, Ores, & MORE!) – Minecraft Mod Showcase
Watch the BetterPVP Mod â-» â-»LET’S SEE IF WE CAN GET 4000 LIKES!â–… Are you an Ultraman fan!? If so, you may like this mod. This mod will add…
Tags: (industry), game, godzilla, minceraft, minecraft, mo, mob, mod, ultraman, video
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Sep 6th, 2014
★ Minecraft Simburbia Let’s Play #4 ★ | NEW BUS STOP UPGRADE! – Minecraft 1.8 Sim City
LET’S GET 5001 LIKES for more simburbiaâ–… Simburbia! Create and manage your own city in Minecraft!!! It’s like Sim City but with quests, secrets, customization, and so much more! Get…
Tags: 18, city, g, in, minecraft, sim, simburbia, sims, simulator, video
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Sep 6th, 2014
Minecraft – The Crew plays Breakable 2
More Breakable! More bad German accents! Can you handle this? Can we handle this? Why is the sky blue? Stay tuned! For more info on the map go to.…
Tags: 2d, 3d, beta, commentary, crew, episode, game, lets, minecraft, multiplayer, new, notch, play, pre-release, sandbox, smp, survival, vi, video
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Sep 6th, 2014
Craft the World | E30 | Tesla Towers!
Let’s play Craft the World! In this episode, our dwarves put their new tesla tower to the test against a massive undead army! Please leave a LIKE if you enjoyed the video! Thanks :) Steam…
Tags: access, craft, drive, dwarf, early, fo, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, paulsoaresjr, pc, steam, test, the, video, world
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Sep 6th, 2014
UNTURNED 3.0 Coming Soon! Team-based PvP Server!
Let’s play Unturned! in this episode, we do a quick loot run while discussing future plans for a new server, team-based PvP, and Unturned 3.0! Unturned is a zombie survival sandbox with crafting,…
Tags: access, action, dayz, early, game, gameplay, games, gaming, guide, paulsoaresjr, pc, sandbox, steam, survival, unturned, video, zombie, zubeknako
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Sep 6th, 2014
The Escapists | E01 “Get the New Guy!” | Prison Day 1
Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, it’s our first day of prison and we learn the ropes of the daily routine! In The Escapists, you play the role of an inmate and go about your daily…
Tags: access, action, early, escapists, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, paulsoaresjr, pc, prison, real, s, sim, steam, time, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Sep 6th, 2014
★ Minecraft Simburbia Let’s Play #3 ★ | GIANT CREEPER DISASTER! – Minecraft 1.8 Sim City
LET’S GET 5001 LIKES for more simburbiaâ–… Simburbia! Create and manage your own city in Minecraft!!! It’s like Sim City but with quests, secrets, customization, and so much more! Get…
Tags: 18, city, g, in, minecraft, sim, simburbia, sims, simulator, video
Filed under MinecraftUniverse :
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Sep 4th, 2014
Minecraft TerraFirmaCraft #34: Horsing Around
Minecraft survival mod. In this Minecraft episode we finish building the garden shack, try out steel tools, and then go explore the south. TerraFirmaCraft Website:…
Tags: alloy, building, charcoal, chisel, clay, farming, forge, game, house, leather, metal, minecraft, mining, mod, quern, terrafirmacraft, trap, video
Filed under EthosLab :
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Sep 3rd, 2014