Posts Tagged ‘tnt’
Minecraft Tutorial: 7 Segment Display w/ Pistons – Part 1
Please LIKE, Comment, Favorite and Share. [Connect with Breny] Facebook: Twitter: Call Of Duty: RuneScape: Put “Neon Wool!” in your comment if you read the description.
Tags: adventure, amazing, best, beta, biggest, block, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, create, creative, diamond, epic, explosion, farm, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hostile, how, ip, kingdom, lets, make, mc, mine, minecart, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, new, notch, note, parody, pistons, play, player, pre, redstone, release, review, save, series, server, single, smp, song, spawner, station, sticking, tnt, to, top, track, trailer, trap, update, world, yt:quality=high
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Feb 16th, 2012
Human TNT Cannon – Minecraft (Safe in Survival Mode)
I’ve made a few modifications to mcKrawll’s cool tnt cannon design to make it work as a Human-safe Cannon in survival mode without dying. I’ll be building the final design – the underwater escape-hatch launcher – into my Let’s Play base. Enjoy! Check out mcKrawll’s tnt cannon video: —————————————————————————— Texture Pack: (Customized) John Smith. My ‘How to edit your texture pack’ vid has the details/links:
Tags: cannon, catapult, dying, how, human, launcher, minecraft, mode, safe, survival, survive, tnt, to, tutorial, without
Filed under monkeyfarm :
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Feb 16th, 2012
Escape Hatch + Launch Pad – Minecraft LP #14
I’ll be adding an escape hatch (with Human TNT Cannon/Launcher) with a secret entrance… in case my base is overrun with mobs, and I need to flee. :) I integrated CNBminecraft’s piston door ( and my modified version of mcKrawll’s tnt cannon ( into this build. Enjoy! —————————————————————————— Texture Pack: (Customized) John Smith. My ‘How to edit your texture pack’ vid has the details/links:
Tags: cannon, craft, doors, entrance, escape, hatch, hidden, how, launch, launcher, lets, lp, mine, minecraft, mode, pad, piston, play, survival, survive, tnt, to, tutorial
Filed under monkeyfarm :
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Feb 16th, 2012
Minecraft: How to duplicate items! SSP
Please LIKE, Comment, Favorite and Share. [Connect with Breny] Facebook: Twitter: Call Of Duty: RuneScape: Put “Diamond Everything!” in your comment if you read the description.
Tags: adventure, amazing, best, beta, biggest, block, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, create, creative, diamond, epic, explosion, farm, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hostile, how, ip, kingdom, lets, make, mc, mine, minecart, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, new, notch, note, parody, pistons, play, player, pre, redstone, release, review, save, series, server, single, smp, song, spawner, station, sticking, tnt, to, top, track, trailer, trap, update, world, yt:quality=high
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Feb 16th, 2012
Minecraft Tutorial: 7 Segment Display w/ Pistons – Part 2
Please LIKE, Comment, Favorite and Share. [Connect with Breny] Facebook: Twitter: Call Of Duty: RuneScape: Put “REDSTONE TORCHES!!!” in your comment if you read the description.
Tags: adventure, amazing, best, beta, biggest, block, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, create, creative, diamond, epic, explosion, farm, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hostile, how, ip, kingdom, lets, make, mc, mine, minecart, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, new, notch, note, parody, pistons, play, player, pre, redstone, release, review, save, series, server, single, smp, song, spawner, station, sticking, tnt, to, top, track, trailer, trap, update, world, yt:quality=high
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Feb 16th, 2012
Minecraft Tutorial: 7 Segment Display w/ Pistons – Part 3
Please LIKE, Comment, Favorite and Share. [Connect with Breny] Facebook: Twitter: Call Of Duty: RuneScape: Put “REDSTONE TORCHES!!!” in your comment if you read the description.
Tags: adventure, amazing, best, beta, biggest, block, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, create, creative, diamond, epic, explosion, farm, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hostile, how, ip, kingdom, lets, make, mc, mine, minecart, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, new, notch, note, parody, pistons, play, player, pre, redstone, release, review, save, series, server, single, smp, song, spawner, station, sticking, tnt, to, top, track, trailer, trap, update, world, yt:quality=high
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Feb 16th, 2012
Minecraft Timelapse: Episode 1 – Diablo 2 inner cloister
Please LIKE, Comment, Favorite and Share. Episode 2: Build designed from: Timelapse: Music produced by DJ Smack: Dj Smack’s Youtube: Dj Smack’s Soundcloud: Dj Smack’s Twitter: Activity Music: [Connect with Breny] Facebook: Twitter: Call Of Duty: RuneScape: Feel free to donate: (Thank you in advance!) if you read the description please leave some support.
Tags: adventure, amazing, best, beta, biggest, block, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, create, creative, diamond, epic, explosion, farm, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hostile, how, ip, kingdom, lets, make, mc, mine, minecart, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, new, notch, note, parody, pistons, play, player, pre, redstone, release, review, save, series, server, single, smp, song, spawner, station, sticking, tnt, to, top, track, trailer, trap, update, world, yt:quality=high
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Feb 16th, 2012
Minecraft Tutorial: 7 Segment Display w/ Pistons – Part 4
Please LIKE, Comment, Favorite and Share. [Connect with Breny] Facebook: Twitter: Call Of Duty: RuneScape: Put “Pwner!” in your comment if you read the description.
Tags: adventure, amazing, best, beta, biggest, block, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, create, creative, diamond, epic, explosion, farm, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hostile, how, ip, kingdom, lets, make, mc, mine, minecart, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, new, notch, note, parody, pistons, play, player, pre, redstone, release, review, save, series, server, single, smp, song, spawner, station, sticking, tnt, to, top, track, trailer, trap, update, world, yt:quality=high
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Feb 16th, 2012
Minecraft Timelapse: Episode 2 – Diablo 2 Build!
Please LIKE, Comment, Favorite and Share. Episode 1: Episode 3: Questions: – Should i set goals for us? – What should i call supportive weekends? Goal: 1500 Likes, 2000 Comments & 300 favorites? Timelapse Mods: Music produced by DJ Smack: Dj Smack’s Youtube: Dj Smack’s Soundcloud: Dj Smack’s Twitter: Activity Music: [Connect with Breny] Facebook: Twitter: Call Of Duty: RuneScape: Feel free to donate: (Thank you in advance!) if you read the description please leave some support.
Tags: adventure, amazing, best, beta, biggest, block, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, create, creative, diamond, epic, explosion, farm, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hostile, how, ip, kingdom, lets, make, mc, mine, minecart, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, new, notch, note, parody, pistons, play, player, pre, redstone, release, review, save, series, server, single, smp, song, spawner, station, sticking, tnt, to, top, track, trailer, trap, update, world, yt:quality=high
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Feb 15th, 2012
Minecraft: 7 Segment Display w/ Pistons – World Release!
Please LIKE, Comment, Favorite and Share. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: World Download: [Connect with Breny] Facebook: Twitter: Call Of Duty: RuneScape: Put “GEE GEE!” in your comment if you read the description.
Tags: adventure, amazing, best, beta, biggest, block, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, create, creative, diamond, epic, explosion, farm, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hostile, how, ip, kingdom, lets, make, mc, mine, minecart, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, new, notch, note, parody, pistons, play, player, pre, redstone, release, review, save, series, server, single, smp, song, spawner, station, sticking, tnt, to, top, track, trailer, trap, update, world, yt:quality=high
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Feb 15th, 2012