Posts Tagged ‘tips’
Combining a Digital Display + RS NOR Latch Array [Advanced Minecraft Redstone Tutorials]
Morning! This is the final video in my mini series on RS NOR Latch Arrays. I look at how to combine an RS NOR latch array with a decoder and seven segment display. If your not sure what the hell is going on then check out my tutorials covering how to build the seven segment display + decoder and also the RS NOR latch itself! Seven Segment Display Tutorials: Part 1 – Part 2 – World Save: RS NOR Latch Tutorial: World Download: Mods: Singleplayer Commands Music: Intro Ditty: Droptear Modelmaker – Erazer-Head (CNBMinecraft) Outro Ditty: Droptear Modelmaker – Black Out (CNBMinecraft)
Tags: and, block, build, building, button, clock, cobblestone, construction, craft, diamond, doors, flipflop, game, gameplay, gate, generator, gold, guide, hidden, hints, house, how, iron, lapis, latch, lazuli, lever, lighting, logic, logicgate, mine, minecraft, nor, obsidian, ore, pick, pickaxe, piston, red, redstone, retractable, sandstone, secret, sticky, stone, tips, to, torch, tutorial, video, walkthrough
Filed under CNBMinecraft :
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Feb 17th, 2012
CNBMinecraft News! Let’s build series, new channel and more!
Howdy P.Noids just a little update of CNBness for you, including my new let’s build series, new channel, collabs and more! Music: Intro Ditty: Droptear Modelmaker – Erazer-Head (CNBMinecraft) Outro Ditty: Droptear Modelmaker – Black Out (CNBMinecraft)
Tags: and, block, build, building, button, clock, cobblestone, construction, craft, diamond, doors, flipflop, game, gameplay, gate, generator, gold, guide, hidden, hints, house, how, iron, lapis, latch, lazuli, lever, lighting, logic, logicgate, mine, minecraft, nor, obsidian, ore, pick, pickaxe, piston, red, redstone, retractable, sandstone, secret, sticky, stone, tips, to, torch, tutorial, video, walkthrough
Filed under CNBMinecraft :
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Feb 17th, 2012
Combination Lock UPDATE! [Minecraft Redstone Tutorials]
Just a quick update/tweak for those of you that want to use the same two digits in a row when setting your PIN code! World Save: RS NOR Latch Tutorial: Mods: Singleplayer Commands Music: Intro Ditty: Droptear Modelmaker – Erazer-Head (CNBMinecraft) Outro Ditty: Droptear Modelmaker – Black Out (CNBMinecraft)
Tags: and, block, build, building, button, clock, cobblestone, construction, craft, diamond, doors, flipflop, game, gameplay, gate, generator, gold, guide, hidden, hints, house, how, iron, lapis, latch, lazuli, lever, lighting, logic, logicgate, mine, minecraft, nor, obsidian, ore, pick, pickaxe, piston, red, redstone, retractable, sandstone, secret, sticky, stone, tips, to, torch, tutorial, video, walkthrough
Filed under CNBMinecraft :
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Feb 17th, 2012
CNB’s World: The Bat Cave Begins [CNB’s World of Redstone]
Hi chaps, just a little preview of what you can expect in my let’s build series! I will be showing my creations in my own world, and then do a follow up tutorial for each one! All this along side my normal Redstone stuff, double rations of CNB!
Tags: and, block, build, building, button, clock, cobblestone, construction, craft, diamond, doors, flipflop, game, gameplay, gate, generator, gold, guide, hidden, hints, house, how, iron, lapis, latch, lazuli, lever, lighting, logic, logicgate, mine, minecraft, nor, obsidian, ore, pick, pickaxe, piston, red, redstone, retractable, sandstone, secret, sticky, stone, tips, to, torch, tutorial, video, walkthrough
Filed under CNBMinecraft :
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Feb 17th, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 136: Make Backups
This is what happens when you load a 1.0.0 world with a 1.7.3 Minecraft *.jar. Downgrading Minecraft is something you need to be careful with or you can easily corrupt your worlds. I figured it was about time we go check out The End together. World Download (128): Donate:
Tags: backups, base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Feb 17th, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 137: Slime Filter
Today I work on setting up the slime tunnel and filter system. World Download (128): Donate:
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, filter, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Feb 17th, 2012
Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 2: Pranking With Doc: Part 1/3
Docm and I decided to get together to pull a prank on Guude. Docm said he planned on uploading his footage sometime soon. Keep an eye out for it on his channel. docm77: Guude:
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, docm, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mind, mindcrack, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Feb 17th, 2012
Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 3: Pranking With Doc: Part 2/3
Docm and I decided to get together to pull a prank on Guude. This is part 2 of our 3 part adventure. Docm said he planned on uploading his footage sometime soon. Keep an eye out for it on his channel. docm77: Guude:
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, docm, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mind, mindcrack, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Feb 17th, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 138: Patch 1.1
This episode is mostly a reflection on the Minecraft 1.1 Patch; some of the new changes, how they effect my LP world, and what I think about them. I didn’t mention it in the episode, but another great addition to the game is the ability for sheep to eat grass to regrow their wool. World Download (138): Donate:
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, filter, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Feb 17th, 2012
Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 4: Pranking With Doc: Part 3/3
Docm and I decided to get together to pull a prank on Guude. This is the last part of our adventure. Docm has uploaded his perspective of things as well. docm77: Guude:
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, docm, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, guude, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mind, mindcrack, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Feb 17th, 2012