Posts Tagged ‘tips’
Minecraft Essentials: Using Golden Tools Better
Welcome to Minecraft Essentials, a series of tips and tricks helpful to veterans and newbies delivered in bitesize videos. This video will give some very helpful tips on how to use your Golden Tools more efficiently.
Tags: and, axe, better, charged, creeper, death, degrade, diamond, effective, efficient, effiency, essentials, extremely, fast, fl, fuck, get, gold, golden, good, hoe, iron, minecraft, more, not, original, paulsoaresjr, pick, pickaxe, punch, quick, shovel, sirpunchwood, sony, stone, stronger, studio, switch, sword, theme, tips, tools, tricks, tune, tutorials, useless, vegas, yea, yt:stretch=16:9
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Essentials: Basic Combat Tips
Welcome to Minecraft Essentials, a series of tips and tricks helpful to veterans and newbies delivered in bitesize videos. This video will give some helpful tips regarding surviving in Combat.
Tags: and, armor, axe, charged, combat, cow, creeper, death, diamond, essentials, fighting, fl, fuck, gold, iron, jockey, leather, minecraft, mortal, original, paulsoaresjr, pick, punch, shovel, sirpunchwood, sony, spider, stone, studio, sword, theme, tips, tricks, tune, tutorials, vegas, villager, yea, yt:stretch=16:9, zombie
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Civilization 5 Co-op [E06] New Start and New Player
Playing Civilization 5 with my kids. Best viewed in full screen at 1080p! Civ 5 on Steam: Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to show your support! Thank you! :) ============================================= BLOG: TWITTER FACEBOOK:
Tags: 4x, civ5, civilization, civilization5, co-op, commentary, computer, firaxis, gameplay, gaming, lets, paulsoaresjr, pc, play, playthrough, secrets, steam, strategy, the, tips, turn-based, tutorial, v:
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Lets Play Skyrim: Episode 5 – DovaCat
Finally meeting up with the jarl in whiterun then I go out to kick a dragons ass! Oh yeah, apparently I’m something called a “DovaCat”
Tags: and, character, combat, creation, crypt, dragon, elder, fos, iron, iv, leveling, lock, magic, mining, ore, picking, rogue, scrolls, shout, skill, skyrim, smithing, sneaking, stealth, the, tips, tomb, tricks, tyken132
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Lets Play Skyrim: Episode 6 – Time is Money
After obtaining my new sla-er..Companion, I decided to head to Riften and join up with the thieves guild. Plenty of stealing and stabbing ensues.
Tags: and, character, combat, companion, creation, crypt, dragon, elder, fos, guild, iron, iv, leveling, lock, lydia, magic, mining, ore, picking, rogue, scrolls, shout, skill, skyrim, smithing, sneaking, stealth, the, thieves, tips, tomb, tricks, tyken132
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Lets Play Skyrim: Episode 7 – Knock Knock
In this episode I crawl through the nasty sewers to speak with the thieves guild and get in good with them..however they don’t exactly have a welcome mat.
Tags: and, character, combat, companion, creation, crypt, dragon, elder, fos, guild, iron, iv, leveling, lock, lydia, magic, mining, ore, picking, rogue, scrolls, shout, skill, skyrim, smithing, sneaking, stealth, the, thieves, tips, tomb, tricks, tyken132
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Hidden Piston Doors! [Minecraft Redstone Tutorials]
How to build the ever popular hidden and sliding piston doors for your minecraft world! Looks at single doors and double doors + how to wire in switches! You can check out my other redstone tutorials on my youtube channel World Save: Texture Pack: Intro Ditty: Droptear Modelmaker – Lofi Programs Used Fraps Vegas 10
Tags: and, block, build, building, button, clock, cobblestone, construction, craft, diamond, doors, flipflop, game, gameplay, gate, generator, gold, guide, hidden, hints, house, how, iron, lapis, latch, lazuli, lever, lighting, logic, logicgate, mine, minecraft, nor, obsidian, ore, pick, pickaxe, piston, red, redstone, retractable, sandstone, secret, sticky, stone, tips, to, torch, tutorial, video, walkthrough
Filed under CNBMinecraft :
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Feb 17th, 2012
Secret/Hidden Piston Stairs! v1 [Minecraft Redstone Tutorials]
How to build 100% hidden secret stairways down to your mines/stronghold/vault and so forth. Looks at the logic behind the circuits and explains how to implement them into your minecraft world! You can check out my other redstone tutorials on my youtube channel World Save: Texture Pack: Mods: World Edit and Toomanyitems Music: Intro Ditty: Droptear Modelmaker – Erazer-Head Programs Used: Fraps Vegas 10
Tags: and, block, build, building, button, clock, cobblestone, construction, craft, diamond, doors, flipflop, game, gameplay, gate, generator, gold, guide, hidden, hints, house, how, iron, lapis, latch, lazuli, lever, lighting, logic, logicgate, mine, minecraft, nor, obsidian, ore, pick, pickaxe, piston, red, redstone, retractable, sandstone, secret, sticky, stone, tips, to, torch, tutorial, video, walkthrough
Filed under CNBMinecraft :
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Feb 17th, 2012
RS NOR Latches + Awesome Stuff [Minecraft Circuit Spotlight]
Woof! Here we are then. This weeks CNB’s Circuit Spotlight is on RS NOR Latches. We take a look at two different types of latch build and their uses + some super awesome stuff at the end coming in the future! You can check out my other redstone tutorials on my youtube channel World Save: Texture Pack: Mods: Singleplayer Commands and Toomanyitems Music: Intro Ditty: Droptear Modelmaker – Erazer-Head Outro Ditty: Droptear Modelmaker – Black Out Programs Used: Fraps Vegas 10
Tags: and, block, build, building, button, clock, cobblestone, construction, craft, diamond, doors, flipflop, game, gameplay, gate, generator, gold, guide, hidden, hints, house, how, iron, lapis, latch, lazuli, lever, lighting, logic, logicgate, mine, minecraft, nor, obsidian, ore, pick, pickaxe, piston, red, redstone, retractable, sandstone, secret, sticky, stone, tips, to, torch, tutorial, video, walkthrough
Filed under CNBMinecraft :
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Feb 17th, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 133: Exodus
Today we work on the potion rooms some more, renovate the spider elevator, and begin project Pokemon. I guess the “poem” is actually a parody of an outro song used in a cartoon called, “Dexter’s Laboratory”. (ShoutOuts) BrenyBeast: World Download (128): Donate:
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, exodus, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, pokemon, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villagers, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Feb 17th, 2012