Posts Tagged ‘tips’
Minecraft Adventure! E08 “Butt-Mode Engaged!” (Game-play/Commentary)
Please “LIKE” if you enjoy the video and leave me a comment! Thanks! SedentaryGecko’s Cabin build: Minecraft 1.2 survival adventure from First Spawn to the End Realm to kill a dragon (and everything in between)! Map seed: -9163732742174692212 BLOG: TWITTER FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here:
Tags: 12, adventure, and, commentary, gameplay, gaming, minecraft, paulsoaresjr, pc, survival, survive, thrive, tips
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Mar 28th, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 162: Etho’s Plea
Just a quick and simple episode. World Download (150): Donate:
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, silverfish, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Mar 28th, 2012
Minecraft Mob Guide – The Wolf
The Wolf is a savage beast, roaring with utter ferocity, but underneath all of that is an adorable hound who just wants to be Man’s Best Friend. We shall take a detailed look at them. This is the ninth episode in a series of Minecraft Mob Guides, where we look at all the hostile AND passive mobs in Minecraft in detail. In this episode, we take a look at the friendly canine wolves of Minecraft. Well, you’ve got to make them your friend first, until then they’re fierce packs of wolves that prey on sheep. Once they are your friend, though, they are Man’s Best Friend. Wolves are a type of mob that can be allied with the player once tamed (fed bones). They are agile creatures, as they jump and run on land and swim in lakes and oceans. They will shake themselves dry when they reach the shore after a swim or if drenched by rain, or otherwise come in contact with water. Wolves are 1 block in height, 2 in length, and 1 in width (1 x 2 x 1). Like almost all mobs, Wolves are vulnerable to drowning, suffocation, falling, contact with cacti or lava, and will actively take damage from being set on fire or coming in contact with attacking hostile mobs. Wolves will spawn in all difficulty levels (including peaceful), and only in Forest, Pine Forest, and Taiga biomes. NOTE: Any strange sexual messages in the tags are purely accidental.
Tags: 124, and, army, bone, breeding, canine, craft, deadly, dog, flesh, friendly, golem, guide, harmless, how, iron, mine, minecraft, mob, neutral, passive, puppy, rotten, siege, skeleton, survival, tamed, tips, to, tricks, tutorial, untamed, update, version, wild, wolf, yt:stretch=16:9
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Mar 27th, 2012
#Minecraft 101 – Water Breaks
Click to ———-[You may also Like]——- Minecraft 1.2 Update news Amazing Piston Sandwave ———-[Connect to MINECRAFTdotNET]———- 2ND CHANNEL:- TWITTER :- FACEBOOK :- ———— Directors channel:
Tags: 101, 124, downloads, minecraft, minecraftdotnet, mods, themodspotlight, tips, updates
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Mar 26th, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 161: Cart Detector
New Blocks!! Today we experiment with a method of detecting empty carts that does not require messing up the mine cart track appearance. World Download (150): Donate:
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, silverfish, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Mar 25th, 2012
Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore – S3E03: Risk vs. Reward
~ Competitors ~ Baj: Beef: BdoubleO: Docm: Etho: Guude: Kurt: Pause: Intro Art By: Intro Music By: Kevin MacLeod ( MOD
Tags: baj, base, bdoubleo, beef, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, docm, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, guude, hardcore, home, house, kurtjmac, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, notch, pause, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, uhc, ultra, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Mar 25th, 2012
Civilization 5 Co-op E12 “I Has Boat!” (Family Multiplayer)
Playing Civilization 5 with my kids. In this episode, Remmi and I start getting established on our little islands. I make my first Trireme and send it off to explore the coastline. Best viewed in full screen at 1080p! Civ 5 on Steam: Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to show your support! Thank you! :) ============================================= BLOG: TWITTER FACEBOOK:
Tags: 4x, civ5, civilization, civilization5, co-op, commentary, computer, firaxis, gameplay, gaming, lets, multiplayer, paulsoaresjr, pc, play, playthrough, secrets, steam, strategy, the, tips, turn-based, tutorial, v:
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Mar 25th, 2012
Test drive of Minecraft Update 1.2.4, including: new wooden planks with more colors, new sandstone blocks, and a new cat behavior that makes you want to SCREAM! BLOG: TWITTER FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here:
Tags: &, 12, 124, beta, commentary, drive, game, gameplay, gaming, guide, minecraft, multiplayer, paulsoaresjr, playthrough, server, smp, survival, test, tips, tricks, tutorial, update, video, walk-through, walkthru, walthrough
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Mar 24th, 2012
Minecraft Mob Guide – The Villager [HD]
The Villager is a friendly resident in one of the many houses of his village. This video goes into detail about these guys. This is the eigth episode in a series of Minecraft Mob Guides, where we look at all the hostile AND passive mobs in Minecraft in detail. In this episode, we take a look at the friendly neighborhood Villager. These guys live in peace and quiet, for as long as your blade protects them from the horrors of the night. A Villager, also known by many players as a Testificate, is a passive NPC (Non-Player Character) that spawns and moves about in NPC Villages. Their characteristic look is dominated by their large, bald heads, green eyes, uni-brows, and long, protruding noses. They spawn around the villages and inside the buildings. They spawn at their respective buildings corresponding to the role they have. Villagers will randomly look at the player, and wander the area of the village. They do not attack if attacked, but they will be knocked back. When attacked, they will not run away. If the player does happen to kill one, they drop nothing, and others will do nothing about it, though nearby Iron Golems will attack the player. Villagers have the ability to utilize doors and therefore able to go in and out of houses. Villagers will hide in houses during the night, rain, or when chased by Zombies. Villagers seem to favor lighted conditions over unlighted ones, seemingly due to the lower chance of zombie spawning. It is not known whether they favor lighted …
Tags: 124, and, blacksmith, church, craft, detail, golem, guide, harmless, house, how, iron, mine, minecraft, mob, passive, planks, siege, survival, testificate, tips, to, tricks, tutorial, update, version, village, villager, wooden, yt:stretch=16:9, zombie
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Mar 24th, 2012
Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore – S3E02: Gearing Up
~ Competitors ~ Baj: Beef: BdoubleO: Docm: Etho: Guude: Kurt: Pause: Intro Art By: Intro Music By: Kevin MacLeod ( MOD
Tags: baj, base, bdoubleo, beef, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, docm, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, guude, hardcore, home, house, kurtjmac, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, notch, pause, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, uhc, ultra, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Mar 24th, 2012