Posts Tagged ‘tips’
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 197: Landmark
Thanks to everyone for your continued help and support through all of this! =) Twitter: TwitchTV: World Download (195):
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, silverfish, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, storage, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Jul 20th, 2012
Minecraft Mob Guide – The Slime
Be sure to RATE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! The Slime is a rare, elusive blob of a mob that flops around the deepest, darkest areas and ONLY these deep dark areas. However, these deep dark areas do not actually have to be dark, but this video goes into detail about these Slimy… slimes……
Tags: 0-2, 10, 125, 166, 360, adventure, aggressive, ball, beta, blaze, block, cave, coal, craft, cream, creative, diamond, edition, enemy, gaming, gold, guide, help, herobrine, how, iron, magma, mine, minecraft, mob, monster, ore, passive, pc, piston, pixel, powder, retro, rod, skeleton, slime, slimeball, spider, sticky, survival, tips, to, tricks, tutorial, use, wood, xbox, zombie
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Jul 18th, 2012
Minecraft MineZ E11 “Incognito” (Zombie Survival Server)
Join my community (forums and chat!) @ Minecraft MineZ is a custom multiplayer zombie apocalypse survival server. What is MineZ? http Donate to MineZ (play the beta!): MineZ on Reddit: Texture pack is MineZ Unofficial by Rakqoi: Background music is “Heart of the Beast” by Kevin Macleod ( WEB: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here:
Tags: 12, and, apocalypse, co-op, commentary, dayz, gameplay, gaming, minecraft, minez, multiplayer, paulsoaresjr, pc, punchwood, smp, survival, survive, thrive, tips, zombie
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Jul 18th, 2012
Minecraft MineZ PvE Server – No Player vs Player Combat (Zombie Survival Server)
Join my community (forums and chat!) @ PvE = “Player vs Environment” which means there is no Player vs Player combat on this particular server. It’s just the players against the zombies! MineZ is a multiplayer zombie apocalypse game for Minecraft. What is MineZ? http Donate to MineZ (play the beta!): MineZ on Reddit: MineZ Texture Pack here: WEB: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here:
Tags: 12, and, apocalypse, co-op, commentary, dayz, gameplay, gaming, minecraft, minez, multiplayer, paulsoaresjr, pc, punchwood, smp, survival, survive, thrive, tips, zombie
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Jul 18th, 2012
Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 35: Mushroom Tracks
MindCrack is a server Guude started in late 2010. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications. Today we work at constructing the rail line from the nether hub to my man cave.
Tags: baj, base, bdoubleo, beef, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, docm, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, guude, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mind, mindcrack, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nebris, notch, pause, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Jul 18th, 2012
Minecraft Adventure E26 “Tough Mudder” (Game-play/Commentary)
Join my community (forums and chat!) @ Minecraft 1.2 survival adventure from First Spawn to the End Realm to kill a dragon (and everything in between)! Map seed -9163732742174692212 Texture Pack is “Coterie Craft”: Time lapse song is “Power Juice” and “On the Run” by PacDV @ WEB: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here:
Tags: 12, adventure, and, commentary, gameplay, gaming, minecraft, paulsoaresjr, pc, punchwood, survival, survive, thrive, tips
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Jul 17th, 2012
Minecraft Adventure E27 “Not So Merry” (Game-play/Commentary)
Join my community (forums and chat!) @ Minecraft 1.2 survival adventure from First Spawn to the End Realm to kill a dragon (and everything in between)! Map seed -9163732742174692212 Texture Pack is “Coterie Craft”: Time lapse song is “Power Juice” and “On the Run” by PacDV @ WEB: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here:
Tags: 12, adventure, and, commentary, gameplay, gaming, minecraft, paulsoaresjr, pc, punchwood, survival, survive, thrive, tips
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Jul 17th, 2012
Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 34: Blast Corps
MindCrack is a server Guude started in late 2010. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications. Today we work towards clearing a bunch of unwanted land in the nether. We also plan and work on the rail lines.
Tags: baj, base, bdoubleo, beef, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, docm, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, guude, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mind, mindcrack, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nebris, notch, pause, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, single, skeleton, spawner, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Jul 17th, 2012
Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 196: Plan It
Today we plan out the storage room some more. Just imagine it finished until I actually build it. Twitter: TwitchTV: World Download (195):
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, nether, notch, play, player, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, silverfish, single, skeleton, slime, spawner, station, stone, storage, survival, tips, tour, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, villager, wart, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Jul 16th, 2012
Minecraft MineZ Public Test Servers! (Zombie Survival Server)
Join my community (forums and chat!) @ Minecraft MineZ is a custom multiplayer zombie apocalypse survival server. Two public test servers are now available, one in the US and one in Europe What is MineZ? Donate to MineZ (play the beta!): MineZ on Reddit: MineZ Texture Pack here: WEB: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Get Minecraft here:
Tags: 12, and, apocalypse, co-op, commentary, dayz, gameplay, gaming, minecraft, minez, multiplayer, paulsoaresjr, pc, punchwood, smp, survival, survive, thrive, tips, zombie
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Jul 13th, 2012