Posts Tagged ‘spider’
Minecraft Essentials: Fishing Rod Combat
Welcome to Minecraft Essentials, a series of tips and tricks helpful to veterans and newbies delivered in bitesize videos. This video will let you HAVE SOME FUN by killing mobs with a fishing rod, how awesome! Fishing Rods can hook any mob and drag it towards the player. (Although Mobs in Water or Lava will not move far due to the slowdown of the fluid.) Although the hurt animation plays and passive mobs will run away as if you attacked them, it deals no damage to the mob. Fishing Rods take triple durability damage when reeling a mob. Reeling it up will cause the mob to be pulled towards the caster at a very fast rate. Players can take advantage of this to impart vertical momentum onto the mob when reeled at great height, dealing enough fall damage for a guaranteed death (except for chicken, ghasts, blazes and snow golems as they do not take falling damage). The fishing rod can also be used on tamed wolves to act as a sort of leash, although it won’t move the wolf anywhere for long. Bobbers can be hooked onto a wolf and if it teleports back to the player, the bobber will still be present. A great way to use this is also to shoot a mob with it then go to lava and place it between the mob and yourself and then reel the line causing the mob to get pulled into the lava. It can be assumed this functionality is for pulling future Fish Mobs(such as th current mob, the Squid) out of water. Unfortunately, fishing rods cannot be used to pull back/up players, making them useless in PVP.
Tags: cliff, combat, cooked, craft, creeper, damage, essentials, fall, fighting, fish, fishing, fun, guide, hole, house, how, humiliating, jockey, killing, mine, minecraft, owning, ravine, raw, rod, skeleton, spider, survival, to, tree, treehouse, zombie
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Mar 9th, 2012
Minecraft – Tutorial: Spider GPS
This tutorial teaches you several different methods for precisely tracking a players movement and position in a custom map.
Tags: base, beta, blaze, boat, cart, circuit, craft, creative, creeper, design, detector, diamond, digging, dispenser, dragon, eats, enchanting, epic, episode, etho, ethos, ethoslab, farm, fire, fun, game, gps, grinder, guide, home, house, lava, lets, lp, map, melon, mine, minecraft, mining, mob, monster, mushroom, notch, play, player, position, potion, pumpkin, red, redstone, sensor, single, skeleton, spawner, spider, station, stone, survival, tips, tour, tracking, trap, tricks, tutorial, video, water, wolf, world, xp, zombie
Filed under EthosLab :
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Mar 8th, 2012
Minecraft Mob Guide – The Spider
The Spider is a fierce, venomous monster of the darkness. This guide goes into detail about them. This is the seventh episode in a series of Minecraft Mob Guides, where we look at all the hostile AND passive mobs in Minecraft in detail. In this episode, we take a look at the Spider, a poisonous arachnid of darkness. It will climb over your petty walls and fences and bite you with intense ferocity. The spider is an arachnid-like monster and also is a mob that is neutral in sufficient light levels and hostile towards the player at night and in dark, shadowy areas. They are able to see the player through solid blocks. A spider measures 2 x 2 x 1 blocks, with brownish-gray skin and red eyes that glow eerily in the dark. Because of their dimensions, spiders cannot enter 1-block wide spaces that zombies, skeletons, and creepers can, but it can crawl into 1-block high gaps (as long as they are 2 or more blocks wide). Spiders’ distinctive hissing noises can alert a player to their presence – creepers make a similar, much shorter noise when damaged. Spiders are easier to hit with arrows due to their size, but can quickly catch up to the player with their leaping (they can cover 2 – 3 blocks in a bound) and wall-climbing abilities. Spiders will often jump around when attacking, making them a moving target and harder to hit. When hunting, spiders move at a pace slightly slower than the player’s walking speed. Unlike zombies and skeletons, spiders will not catch fire in daylight.
Tags: 12, 12w06a, assassin, basic, cave, combat, craft, creeper, dark, flesh, group, guide, help, horde, how, jockey, mine, minecraft, mob, rotten, skeleton, snapshot, spider, support, survival, tips, to, tutorial, update, version, wolf, yt:stretch=16:9, zombie
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Mar 8th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 111 – Rescue Mission
In this video I spend some time with my puppies and finally give them names! After that I gear up and head out to my nearby npc village to uh…”Rescue” them from their horrible living conditions.
Tags: 12, 123, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, lab, laboratory, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Mar 6th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 112 – Convoy Carnage
In this episode I finish gathering up the rest of the villagers and start the convoy moving…however, think take a very bad turn as night rolls in.
Tags: 12, 123, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, lab, laboratory, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Mar 6th, 2012
Hardcore Minecraft: Episode 10 – Pimp My House!
Website: Facebook: Twitch: Donate: Call Of Duty: RuneScape: Twitter: Topics From:
Tags: adventure, amazing, and, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, diamonds, enderman, epic, explosion, farm, find, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hc, hostile, how, ip, jockey, kingdom, lets, lp, map, mc, mine, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, n, notch, parkour, parody, piston, play, redstone, server, skeleton, smp, song, spawner, spider, ssp, sticky, tnt, to, trap, tutorial, update, yt:quality=high, zombie
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Mar 5th, 2012
Spider Murder Gate
A quick example of how to create a spider “murder gate,” as I’m calling it, in Minecraft. This would be placed in a fence as you can see from the example. The spider would get stuck under the ledge and then you open the gate and attack the spider. It doesn’t keep the spider pinned, but it allows you to attack from relative safety. Sorry about the lack of sound. That should be fixed by the time I post my next video.
Tags: game, lets, minecraft, play, spider, tutorial
Filed under RPMiller1 :
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Mar 3rd, 2012
Hardcore Minecraft: Episode 9 – Finally Made A House!
Topics From: Sorry for not putting the comments on screen in the video, i gave it a try and it turned out really ugly looking. Hope the description love is enough. Website: Facebook: Twitch: Donate: RuneScape: Twitter:
Tags: adventure, amazing, and, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, diamonds, enderman, epic, explosion, farm, find, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hc, hostile, how, ip, jockey, kingdom, lets, lp, map, mc, mine, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, n, notch, parkour, parody, piston, play, redstone, server, skeleton, smp, song, spawner, spider, ssp, sticky, tnt, to, trap, tutorial, update, yt:quality=high, zombie
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Mar 2nd, 2012
Hardcore Minecraft: Episode 8 – Scheduled Upload Days?
Website: Facebook: Twitch: Donate: RuneScape: Twitter:
Tags: adventure, amazing, and, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, diamonds, enderman, epic, explosion, farm, find, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hc, hostile, how, ip, jockey, kingdom, lets, lp, map, mc, mine, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, n, notch, parkour, parody, piston, play, redstone, server, skeleton, smp, song, spawner, spider, ssp, sticky, tnt, to, trap, tutorial, update, yt:quality=high, zombie
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Mar 1st, 2012
Minecraft Mob Guide – The Zombie
The Minecraft Zombie comes from the depths of the darkness. Since version 1.2, these are the leaders of the horde, breaking open doorways, allowing the other demons of darkness to charge in for the kill. These flesh-eating fiends are the most common monster in Minecraft, so be prepared for a lot of battles with these guys. This is the forth episode in a series of Minecraft Mob Guides, where we look at all the hostile AND passive mobs in Minecraft in detail. In this episode, we take a look at the Zombie, a defiled human, distorted to the very edge of a human’s definition. The fiends walk around through the darkness, awaiting your fascinating flesh. A zombie is a hostile mob that closely resembles the player. A zombie measures 2 blocks tall, 1 block wide, and 0.25 blocks thick. Zombies spawn in dimly lit areas and attack players by shambling towards them and touching them. Like skeletons, zombies catch fire in sunlight. Villagers currently are constantly being attacked by zombies and having sieges with them; the Iron Golem was added to protect them.
Tags: 12, 12w06a, basic, cave, combat, craft, creeper, dark, flesh, group, guide, help, horde, how, leader, mine, minecraft, mob, rotten, skeleton, snapshot, spider, survival, tips, to, tutorial, update, version, wolf, yt:stretch=16:9, zombie
Filed under MasterOfTheEggs2029 :
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Feb 29th, 2012