Posts Tagged ‘rpg’
Killing Floor – Damnation – Attempt #2
This is our second attempt at this map! The trader has been kidnapped by an evil cult and the Crew must save her. This map contains no end of wave trader sections. It is a total mission based map. We will have to use our ammo sparingly and fight off the hordes of evil trying to stop up from saving the trader. It doesn’t look good for the trader! Killing Floor is copyright Tripwire Interactive
Tags: action, episode, firebug, first-person, floor, fps, free, game, gameplay, games, gaming, horror, how, howto, killing, lets, lizzy, multiplayer, pc, play, review, reviews, rpg, shooter, software, steam, survival, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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May 21st, 2012
Game Review – Trine 2
In this video Piperbunny, Extrafun, and Mario review Trine 2. Many thanks to Gamersgate for the review copies of Trine 2. Trine 2™ is a fantasy action game where the player can create and use physics-based objects to beat hazardous puzzles and threatening enemies. Set in a world of great castles and strange machinery, three heroes are bound to a mysterious device called the Trine in a quest to save the kingdom from evil. Trine 2 is by Frozenbyte
Tags: action, episode, first-person, fps, game, gameplay, games, gaming, horror, how, howto, lets, multiplayer, pc, platform, platformer, play, review, reviews, rpg, shooter, survival, to, trine, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
Comments (12) :
May 21st, 2012
Killing Floor – Damnation
The trader has been kidnapped by an evil cult and the Crew must save her. This map contains no end of wave trader sections. It is a total mission based map. We will have to use our ammo sparingly and fight off the hordes of evil trying to stop up from saving the trader. It doesn’t look good for the trader! Killing Floor is copyright Tripwire Interactive
Tags: action, episode, firebug, first-person, floor, fps, free, game, gameplay, games, gaming, horror, how, howto, killing, lets, lizzy, multiplayer, pc, play, review, reviews, rpg, shooter, software, steam, survival, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
Comments (18) :
May 20th, 2012
Diablo 3 “The Fallen Star” (GAME-PLAY/COMMENTARY)
Diablo 3 game-play with barbaric commentary! Join my community @ ESRB Warning This title is rated “M” for Mature Audiences WEB: TWITTER FACEBOOK:
Tags: action, barbarian, character, class, commentary, computer, diablo, game, gameplay, gaming, iii, paulsoaresjr, pc, rpg, tips, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
Comments (20) :
May 18th, 2012
Diablo 3 “Barbarian in New Tristram” (GAME-PLAY/COMMENTARY)
Diablo 3 is here! Let’s jump right into New Tristram with a new Barbarian character! RAWR! WEB: TWITTER FACEBOOK:
Tags: action, barbarian, character, class, commentary, computer, diablo, game, gameplay, gaming, iii, paulsoaresjr, pc, rpg, tips, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
Comments (20) :
May 16th, 2012
Killing Floor – Get em Chicken Man
We are back to Killing Floor. We take on a custom map called “Corruption”. We have a bunch of Crew members and some friends of the Crew. Can we handle the evil before us? And why is Gizmo running around scared at one point? Stay tuned. Killing Floor is copyright Tripwire Interactive
Tags: action, episode, firebug, first-person, floor, fps, free, game, gameplay, games, gaming, horror, how, howto, killing, lets, lizzy, multiplayer, pc, play, review, reviews, rpg, shooter, software, steam, survival, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
Comments (20) :
May 13th, 2012
Eedze plays Risen II: Dark waters (1) the journey begins
Eedze plays Risen II: Dark waters (1) the journey begins A brand new series in where i play trough Risen II. Give me any comments on how to improve!
Tags: 2, dark, eedze, game, ii, lets, new, pirate, play, risen, rpg, waters
Filed under eedze :
Comments (4) :
May 5th, 2012
3079 Co-op E08 “New Stuff in 2.17″ (Family Multiplayer/Commentary)
Multiplayer 3079 with my kid(s)! Just good clean family fun…with guns! Official site: Gamersgate: Desura: BLOG: TWITTER FACEBOOK:
Tags: 3079, action, block, desura, drive, first-person, fps, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, multiplayer, paulsoaresjr, pc, rpg, sci-fi, shooter, test, tutorial, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
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Apr 29th, 2012
Towns .45 Update – Now with HEROES! (Fantasy Strategy Simulation)
Towns Alpha v .45 update, with the beginnings of the new Heroes system! What is Towns? It’s a real-time fantasy strategy game…sorta like Majesty meets Dwarf Fortress! Video best viewed in full screen at 1080p! Patch notes: My Test Drive of Towns: Official Towns website: Gamersgate Desura: BLOG: TWITTER FACEBOOK:
Tags: adventure, city, drive, dwarf, fantasy, fortress, game, gameplay, games, gaming, indie, majesty, management, paulsoaresjr, pc, real, rpg, settlers, sim, smp, strategy, test, time, towns, tutorial, video
Filed under paulsoaresjr :
Comments (20) :
Apr 28th, 2012
Killing Floor – Somebody said some bad words…
In this map we play a special kind of mission based map. Normal killing floor maps require you to do wave after wave and reach the patriarch. This map requires us to move from location to location, with no trader to buy from. Eventually we face off against the patriarch. Can we survive this setup? And who is going to say some bad words? Stay tuned… Killing Floor is copyright Tripwire Interactive
Tags: action, episode, firebug, first-person, floor, fps, free, game, gameplay, games, gaming, horror, how, howto, killing, lets, lizzy, multiplayer, pc, play, review, reviews, rpg, shooter, software, steam, survival, to, video, world
Filed under TheHillsoftware :
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Apr 12th, 2012